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The Way of the Shinobi V.2

The Way of the Shinobi V.2

Submitted By "Mackie" (MintyFresh)


My first version of 'Shinobi' by DRM3 (Lost E-Mail) was "A contact list that resembles the "Shinobi" Theme (ShapeShifter)"'n You know what? It still is, but now it's just "Oooh Sooo Fressh Sooo Cleean", eh :P Check it out without status icons :) Hope you enjoy it.


    - New Font
    - No Group Shadow
    - Smaller Text
    - Adjusted Spacing
    - Status Icons
    - Group Text Moved
    - Not as Gothy



You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by dcentity2000 on 05/18/06 at 18:46:15

Oh sweet!

# by MintyFresh on 05/19/06 at 03:42:12

Thanks :P Your submissions are nice as well :)

# by drfloppy on 05/19/06 at 23:42:54

sweet background image, could you give us a link?

# by MintyFresh on 05/20/06 at 13:53:20

Here is a link to the background.

# by drfloppy on 05/20/06 at 14:11:21

Thank you ever so kindly

# by MintyFresh on 05/21/06 at 03:42:52

You're very welcome kind sir :P

# by mattwestm on 06/07/06 at 19:47:48

This is awesome, but what opacity is your contact list set at?

# by MintyFresh on 06/07/06 at 20:24:03

My contact list is set at 70% opacity :)

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273.87kb (6392 downloads)

4.30 / 28 votes
Current Version: V. 2
Last Updated: 05/11/06