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Submitted By Steven (gudkarma8)


A soundset i created in the asian tradition. using the sounds of the chinese zither. i was going to add some more flute but being my frist attempt i kept it rather simple. if people enjoy it i'll be sure to do more. please let me know your thoughts about it.
i hope you enjoy it.


fixed file transfer messages and general notification. there were corrupt sound files in there. sorry guys. thanks for the heads up!


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# by Kiel on 06/13/06 at 04:18:51

Cool :-)

# by eskander on 06/13/06 at 15:39:24

very nice, but whats going on with the file transfers?

# by Kiel on 06/14/06 at 03:41:28

All the sounds seemed to work fine for me *scratches head*

# by gudkarma8 on 06/14/06 at 03:47:32

i fixed them. maybe thats why. : )

# by eskander on 06/16/06 at 20:49:14

very kewl

# by violet on 06/19/06 at 16:38:00

I love it, thanks! More flute would be great.

# by biglittledragoon on 07/26/06 at 11:10:34

Maybe, sounds are too long. You have a "big" time of silence that you should cut.

# by metel on 01/16/07 at 16:37:00

Great job! I love this so much. This really enhances the usability of adium.

# by eyelidlessness on 02/02/07 at 23:42:06

What is "the asian tradition"?

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Current Version: 0.9
Last Updated: 06/13/06