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Matrix Duck

Matrix Duck

Submitted By Chad Wollman (buletman)


A simple Matrix-Like Adium Duck dock icon.

Say it 3 times fast and I'll give you a cookie.

I will be updating it while I continue to edit my iMac to make it as Matrix-Like as possible.



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# by Crazycole2001 on 06/06/04 at 15:10:54

ya know what would be really bad ass? make the code scroll!... a great example of a full animated icon is wobblo... im trying to use it as a template for my stargate icon, so the ring will move. yeah well i think this icon kicks serious agent butt.

# by buletman on 06/06/04 at 15:13:26

Haha, thanks alot...this is my first attempt at theming anyway. Well, for the past 2 days something struck me that made me want to theme everything. If you like this, you would love my OS theme. Everything from the Startup panel, to Adium is matrix-themed. Most of it created by me.


# by on 06/06/04 at 18:26:34

i totally agree with crazycole. it would be the most bad ass icon ever. Did you get the idea form the forums? i saw someone on there with a matrix duck icon.

# by buletman on 06/06/04 at 21:47:08

I just thought of it because I am remaking my whole OS to look like Matrix. Thats cool if someone else already did it, sorry if I stepped on anyone's toes. Once I figure out how to animate, I will give it a try, but something tells me it is going to be alot harder than what I already did :/.


# by on 06/06/04 at 23:06:40

no eyes, no beak (naw, keep the beak)
code is static for offline
code is scrolling for online
code changes to fire code for alert with flapping wings
yeah, that'd be cool :)

side note, animating is as simple as creating the separate scrolling images and then listing them sequentially in the plist. ok, there's a slight bit more than that, but not really. use the connection animation to help you.

# by Crazycole2001 on 06/06/04 at 23:13:26

o wait were can i get your theme stuff?

# by Crazycole2001 on 06/07/04 at 00:29:41

o btw... do you think some one can make a webkit that looks like the console from the movie that would be great

# by buletman on 06/07/04 at 03:31:04

That is a link to some of the OS redesign I have done. The theme is XiTiBook2, and I altered the text color a bit. I have also changed the boot panel, to a very matrix looking theme. I have not figured out how to edit the login screen yet though. Otherwise, I think I am well on my way.

As far as the scrolling text, I have no idea what you mean by plist and such. Although I have seen plist files, I don't know what they are. :/. I'm a newb...haha...

# by on 06/12/04 at 23:17:01

Works great. Best icon set there is. As long as you have enough RAM. Or else it crashes Adium pretty bad. But otherwise perfect.

# by DSfreak800 on 05/19/10 at 01:44:00

cool i like matrix patterns

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245.81kb (3962 downloads)

3.40 / 124 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 06/06/04
Credit goes to original creator of Green Duck Adium icon.