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Submitted By E Ripcurl7 (Ripcurl7)


After looking for the perfect contact list style, i found that they all had too much going on and some were just way to complicated. It was hard to find the perfect Contact List Style that would blend right in with my desktop. After i gave up, i created my own contact list style which is both simple yet modern looking.

.Moderna was inspired by the clean and simple OSX look. It comes in more than one color and has two appearances per color. Each color can either have a clear or solid group heading bar. This is the style that makes adium look like the sexiest Instant Messaging App on your computer!


This Contact List Style looks best with the Jewels Status Icons.

*** just disregard the blurred screen names. Download it or install it to see how cool it really looks!***



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# by drfloppy on 06/13/06 at 22:38:11

Thats awesome. Thanks for posting it.

# by Ripcurl7 on 06/21/06 at 14:48:54

pretty sweet! i like how there are so many colors to use. when are you coming out with another style? your good!

# by gethen on 09/17/06 at 00:40:59

this is in fact pretty sexy!

it's worth mentioning that after install, these will show up at the top of your contact list prefs with names that begin with ::

The one shown is :: BLACK, 60% opacity, and i like mine best after setting the autosize checkboxes.

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8.87kb (2297 downloads)

3.70 / 18 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 06/06/06