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Yahoo! v3

Yahoo! v3

Submitted By ispytonyv


Well, somebody had to be the first to jump on this Yahoo! Messenger 3 bandwagon, so why not me? This is a set of status icons (with 2 variants) made from resources pulled right from the official application (with minor edits/resizing).


Now has 2 variants: The 1st uses the original (larger) icons for contact list and better-fitting, smaller icons for tabs. The 2nd "mini" version uses the small icons across the board.

3.0 (yeah I skipped over 2.0)
Resized every icon to more closely match the official version, as well as changing a few icons entirely (renamed the extra so that it won't overwrite my old version, in case anybody doesn't like the update and wishes to go back)

Initial release



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# by ispytonyv on 07/01/06 at 20:15:30

ps- try 'em on a darker background (they really pop on Black is Beautiful)!

# by enkuturi-akrias on 02/04/07 at 17:09:25

looks very cool! i love this!
PD: the away image looks a bit pixelated

# by ispytonyv on 02/04/07 at 17:51:22

Yeah, unfortunately it's hard keeping a shape that small looking round when I've only got square pixels :/ It's a little less noticeable on the mini version (I think). Anyways thanks, glad you like 'em! I was beginning to wonder what the general opinion was with no comments before now... maybe when I get some spare time I'll work on the pixelation.

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302.94kb (9451 downloads)

4.00 / 115 votes
Current Version: 3.1
Last Updated: 02/03/07