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Adiumy Emoticons

Adiumy Emoticons

Submitted By ispytonyv


This is a smiley set that matches the Adiumy Dock icon. I want to say right from the start, I had nothing at all to do with this set's creation... they were all the superb work of Adam Betts.

*note: submitted with author's permission

These are included with Adium 1.0!


These were released on July 3, 2006... seeing as they hadn't found their way onto the xtra site yet (and alot of people had apparently been waiting on them), I decided to post them for everyone else's enjoyment. They should also be making their way soon into the bundled xtras.



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# by ispytonyv on 07/07/06 at 00:10:57

I just wanna make sure nobody thinks I'm looking for credit on these... they're the work of Adam Betts and this is his site:

# by csquared on 07/07/06 at 16:19:43

From what I can tell, Adam only made the set available from his website. I don't understand why he wouldn't have just submitted it here, but in any case, thank you for posting this. It's wonderful.

# by xjorgex on 07/08/06 at 01:57:41

beautiful! :]

# by LaughAttack016 on 07/13/06 at 12:28:24

love em!

# by suenr on 07/19/06 at 03:56:51

lovely. :-D

# by alej744 on 02/03/07 at 01:27:40

Included in v1.0?

# by ispytonyv on 02/03/07 at 04:38:32

Yes, I believe so :) Guess that makes these irrelevant now once everyone finishes upgrading?

# by solly3 on 03/15/08 at 08:00:15

How do you make your own smiley set?

# by ispytonyv on 03/15/08 at 14:31:42

Your best bet is to use the download link (instead of install) and then open the package contents of a smiley set. It's pretty much just a collection of images and a .plist file that spells out stuff like :) = a smiley face.

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70.71kb (37732 downloads)

3.80 / 483 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/07/06
Adam Betts