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Zelda Iconset

Zelda Iconset

Submitted By Sean Wolfsoap (Wolfsoap)


It feels like sacrilege placing the triforce or ocarina, something so sacred on the dock. Oh well, I'm over it. This is my Zelda icon set.

Thanks, and feed back and suggestions welcome.


- Tidied up idle and away.



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# by dcharti on 08/01/06 at 13:04:39

I played Zelda, but I don't recognize the 'online' icon. What is that?

# by Wolfsoap on 08/01/06 at 13:14:04

The Ocarina of Time, the most treasured possession of the hylian royal family. You should know that. For-shame!

# by dcharti on 08/01/06 at 13:15:37

Ah, see I was thinking old-school zelda. I haven't played much of the new ones; none from the N64 or Game Cube. Guess I have some catching up to do.

*Runs out to find a Game Cube bargain*

# by Wolfsoap on 08/01/06 at 13:18:22


# by Xeijin on 08/12/06 at 02:06:20

Wow, great icons, I'm mad about Zelda these will be a proud addition to my dock, Thanks!

# by Savanna on 03/18/08 at 00:51:38

I know no one has commented for a while... but I had to say I love these!

# by Nysc on 10/30/08 at 21:47:36

Still using it, great dock icon! :)

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305.67kb (8918 downloads)

4.00 / 171 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 04/30/07