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Submitted By fissure


Here's a quick little theme I made as I was getting tired of the too minimalistic themes, which can be hard to read sometimes, and the too graphic ones which take up way too much space. I was trying to go for a theme that would perfectly balance information and minimalism (in my opinion).

The system theme I have applied is VOID4, and the greys used in the theme match the two shades of grey VOID uses.

I can't guarantee that I'll ever update this, but please tell me how you think it could improve. Here's a list of the things I want to add:

Future Versions:
- Some way to distinguish history
- More differentiation between consecutive messages.
- A variant with custom background color support
- A variant with the name/time removed (and possibly a header)



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# by webcookie on 08/12/06 at 14:51:15

i really like this. i would suggest in the future lots more colour combinations to differentiate between the two users.

# by fissure on 08/12/06 at 15:06:28

I was hoping that the addition of custom background colors would solve this problem, but I suppose some people like a uniform look to all their chats. Are there any colors in particular that you would suggest?

# by webcookie on 08/12/06 at 15:10:31

pink, blue, purple, green. pastel and bold variants.

# by Dylan1077 on 08/14/06 at 03:27:58

Can't wait for color variants and custom backgrounds! Awesome theme.

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3.10 / 14 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 08/06/06
VOID system theme for inspiration.