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Badger Badger Mushroom Snake

Badger Badger Mushroom Snake

Submitted By Asja Dispona (AdamAtlas)


A dock icon pack featuring the badger from that badger movie. The main icon is the badger(-badger-badger-badger), the Away icon is the mushroom(-mushroom), and the Idle icon is the snake(-aah-a-snake-oh-it's-a-snake).



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# by mnkeybsness on 06/16/04 at 01:45:10

yet another annoying cartoon for the sake of being annoying.

# by bubblefish on 09/16/08 at 11:34:25


# by on 06/16/04 at 10:28:37

love it!

# by ascarinthesky510 on 06/16/04 at 13:03:26

very, very nice!

# by Quincy on 06/16/04 at 18:37:31

AWESOME!!!!! although it's not the best dock set made... it sure is one of the the more humorous lately... good job

# by on 06/18/04 at 23:51:12

badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger mushroom mushroom badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger snake, oh it's a snake, oooo is a snake badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger

when will you release an animated version? i want my dock to badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger ...

# by on 06/20/04 at 01:30:06

Tiago: It is animated. It badger-badger-badgers when you get a message, like Adiumy wing-flapping.

# by on 06/23/04 at 05:23:38

badger badger snake snake. brings back happy ebaum memories.

# by paul on 08/15/04 at 16:58:56

not funny and never will be

# by lazydesert on 08/18/04 at 03:47:28

My favorite!

# by Durge on 09/01/04 at 21:22:44

YAY!!! I love those lil' badgers...

# by airwave on 09/10/04 at 16:24:18

Help! It's a snake! :P
Love it!

# by claidheamdanns on 11/07/05 at 09:41:00

Nonononononono .... that movie was just wrong in the first place :-)

# by wombat74 on 01/28/07 at 20:52:42

"badger badger snake snake. brings back happy ebaum memories."

Sophia, bauman stole that work, as he did with about 90% of content on his site, from another person. The original creator, weebl, tried to get Bauman to either link to his own site, weebl, or preferably take the badger video down. Bauman did nothing until lawyers got involved. Because of dozens of incidents like that I refuse to visit ebaum's attrocity of a website and take every opportunity I can to let other people know what a slimy greaseball he is, profiting off other people's work through stealing.

# by 3xploiter on 02/09/08 at 04:50:25

You took the words right out of my mouth. ;)

# by MoonDoggy on 01/28/08 at 21:12:53

It would be awesome if you would make some sound clips to go along with this for logging in,signing off,received message,etc.

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86.63kb (33271 downloads)

3.80 / 238 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 06/15/04
Graphics by Weebl. Adiumized by Adam Atlas.