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Dark Chat

Dark Chat

Submitted By wowstanley


[Dark Chat] Contact List Style
I have used this simple contact list style for a long time. But there was no suitable message style for it until I saw h4x0r (phrenzy's message style). I modified h4x0r and my contact list to make them a set. Now "Dark Chat" is born for you. Enjoy it!

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# by drfloppy on 08/17/06 at 01:32:10

most awesome

# by wowstanley on 08/17/06 at 12:13:40

Thank you, drfloppy.

# by tasmanian_devil on 03/31/07 at 05:00:24

pretty awesome!

# by gm@stackunderflow on 11/08/07 at 07:59:52

I find it looks better with some different fonts.

Contact list entries: VT100 9pt, or if you have tons of contacts, 04b 03 8pt
Groups: 04b 31 10pt

VT100 is part of ClarisWorks I think, and the 04b fonts can be downloaded here:

# by jlsmirk on 04/29/09 at 20:55:57

I cant even use this theme. Can you help me out, please. I am using the latest leopard. Thanks.

# by jlsmirk on 04/29/09 at 21:24:30

I got it! I love your creativity. Keep up. :]

# by iyal21 on 04/30/11 at 04:45:10

nice application

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6.76kb (16550 downloads)

3.80 / 43 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 08/14/06