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Submitted By Daryn Rush (DarynAR)


Just a update of the New Buuf Icons by Mattahan...I take no artistic credit, just the coding and making the icon are my own. All copyright and pictures/icons credit goes to him.
Hope you like it!



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# by Marius_Th on 08/17/06 at 03:09:31

His icon set is, called "Buuf" with double u's, not Buff.
Besides the wrong name, it's a good looking set ^^

# by DarynAR on 08/23/06 at 21:28:51

sorry :(
I try, thanks for the comment

# by miscbeep on 10/23/08 at 12:40:57

Hey man, I have a question. I don't know if it's that way. But it's always blinking !? It doesn't matter if I change to available or invisible or away, it's always blinking. Is that how it has to be ? I don't hate it, I just want to know if it's that way.

Awesome thing.

# by DarynAR on 10/23/08 at 20:28:06

i am not sure. i have noticed that too. i havent worked on these icons in a while sorry.

# by Yohmgaï on 08/17/06 at 08:56:14

Excellent, I love the style, and when it blinks it gives a nice effect too :)

# by DarynAR on 08/23/06 at 21:28:35

well thank yah!

# by michelebugliaro on 08/20/06 at 07:11:56

Ha, funny. :-)

# by Alero on 12/17/08 at 13:14:46

Yeah... it's blinking wneb you relog your adium. It's such a pity =( I like them much, but can't fix

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61.21kb (8691 downloads)

4.30 / 61 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 08/15/06
all goes to Mattahan