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Google Talk (beta)

Google Talk (beta)

Submitted By Louis Guy (thelouisguy)


Love Google Talk? Here are the Status Icons to match your Google Talk Account.
These icons are taken directly from the Gmail Chat feature.


1.1 b - Changed some icons. Use some from the gmail theme on adiumxtras.



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# by skoo402 on 09/26/06 at 05:10:08

The mobile icon needs a spacing issue fixed... other than that, it looks great.

# by Seeq on 09/26/06 at 05:33:34

Cool icon's, but they look very rough around the edges on clear or opaque backgrounds.

# by codeman38 on 09/28/06 at 02:13:10

To me, it would make more sense for the 'busy' icon to be used for away instead of the 'idle' icon. I like the overall look, though.

# by thelouisguy on 10/01/06 at 17:58:10

I made this modification on PURPOSE. Google Talk uses these icons for those reasons. Green is Available, Yellow is Away/Idle, and Red is Busy/Do Not Disturb. Because really, if you are away and if you are idle, it's the same thing, you are not going to answer because you are doing something else. Busy is the only real status that you need to know when NOT to contact anyone, because you will be interupting.

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/04/07 at 01:47:31

Great throw-back to my days of chatting in Firefox.

# by tymsprecious on 04/20/07 at 13:15:41


# by modb on 08/22/07 at 02:33:05

on google talk in the internet browser, buddies that are red and "busy" can also go yellow and idle. it would be a great addition if you can add that. thanks.

# by KBS117 on 05/17/09 at 01:07:26

Hey i love them, but two problems... You are using the idle symbol for away and idle statuses instead of the actual idle symbol. And the mobile symbol is slightly hard to see on light buddy lists. But other than that Great!!

# by KBS117 on 05/17/09 at 01:08:44

sorry i meant the actual away symbol

# by thelouisguy on 05/21/09 at 23:00:37

See my comment from 3 years ago. Google Talk uses Green for Available, Yellow for Away/Idle, and Red for Busy/Do Not Disturb. If your contacts do not use these statuses in that way, you can always change the Icons.plist to reflect your preference. I will not make those changes because I want this to be true to the Google Talk client.

# by KBS117 on 05/22/09 at 03:16:12

Sorry but im kinda a noob at adium, how do you change the Icons.plist?

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Current Version: 1.1b
Last Updated: 10/01/06
Google, Gilly Rosenthol