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LocoRoco Status

LocoRoco Status

Submitted By Kathryn (coerul)


Status icons to go with the LocoRoco dock icon I made previous. Click for Dock Icon

Note: These icons are 20x20, so you may have to fiddle with some settings to get them to display correctly on more minimal or smaller font list layouts.

LocoRoco is an absolutely adorable game. Maybe after this I can figure a way to make a soundset or something. I dunno.

LocoRoco © 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Note: For some reason you have to choose the application to open the zip file from. Just use Stuffit.

If anyone knows why this is happening, please help.



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# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/05/07 at 03:58:28

Cool. They would be cute if they had a face....

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240.59kb (3344 downloads)

4.00 / 26 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/13/06

LocoRoco © 2006 Sony Computer Entertainment Inc.

Used Default Adium Status set to work from. I think.