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Submitted By Spike May (Spike_may)


Well i have been trying to make my desktop match quite well and one thing i have been missing is a decent msg style so i did this, i love minibubble but the style didn't go too well with my desktop, i wanted a more black transparent bubble and a kool background so i made this :D enjoy



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# by kylan on 10/25/06 at 04:18:09

This is really nice. Great job. The only thing I would change is maybe make the links a softer color other than the straight 0000FF blue that contrasts kind of harshly with the black background.

# by Crazycole2001 on 10/26/06 at 00:25:53

How do you get those readouts on your desktop and how do you get the weather in your dock

# by Spike_may on 10/26/06 at 00:30:29

the "readouts" are a application called Stattoo and the weather isn't in my dock its beside it, its a yahoo widget called widescape weather

# by maclover23 on 10/27/06 at 04:51:04

Thanks for that spike! I've always wondered about what those widgets are!. I'm also using your message style :)

# by Spike_may on 10/27/06 at 15:59:45

your welcome :) and thank you

# by Dylan1077 on 10/29/06 at 02:44:30

Awesome desktop. Where did you get those cool dock icons?

# by Spike_may on 10/29/06 at 02:47:51

thank you.. i made the icons u can get the package from my website...


the icons set isn't fully done yet i am still working on it so don't expect every icon u need to be there lol


# by Dylan1077 on 10/29/06 at 03:12:35

Thanks for the quick reply! Sorry about asking the question that, after looking through your xtras, had been asked about 20 times already. :)

# by Dylan1077 on 10/29/06 at 03:12:36

Thanks for the quick reply! Sorry about asking the question that, after looking through your xtras, had been asked about 20 times already. :)

# by Dylan1077 on 10/29/06 at 03:13:26


# by Spike_may on 10/29/06 at 03:30:14

ahah.. lol no problem :)

# by djbsquared on 02/02/07 at 06:50:48

Messages that are longer than one line seem to bump into the timestamp... Also the timestamp does not seem to copy with the rest of the message. Otherwise I love it.

# by kkaneff on 02/05/07 at 00:18:49

yeah the time stamp is acting strange with me as well. it seems to take up two lines when it doesn't need to :/

# by Chimpytwm on 03/15/07 at 00:08:28

love it! and of course, the background.

# by macattack089 on 04/10/08 at 21:45:02

i some how cant get to your site
i tried both firefox and safari
and both says they cant find link....hmmm
just wanted you to know

# by Supernite on 06/10/08 at 00:58:54

I love this theme. It's arguably the best "insert custom background here" theme available.
Speaking of which, I've noticed odd things happening in the corners of messages. I'm not sure what's causing it, but there it is.

It's most noticeable on the top right corner, though the top left suffers a little as well.
Thanks again for the theme, I've been using it for a bit now and don't plan to switch any time soon.

# by Nextopia on 07/07/08 at 12:16:56

dude, where did you get that wallpaper?!

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3.70 / 48 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/25/06
Peter Simonsson (pss)