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Submitted By mathuaerknedam


How many ways can you, in a space efficient manner, tell who is who in a conversation without including screen names or aliases? Do you really need your own text to be as prominent as your buddy's? If you want an even more minimal style, take a look at Tül.

There is a sense in which aNon and Tül are brothers. Where aNon explores different concepts without limiting the number of variants, Tül hopes to refine the best ideas from aNon while exploring the additional features of inline text and stark (yet usable) minimalism.

• Everything has some degree of transparency. (The blocks/bars may be *too* transparent for high-contrast backgrounds; please let me know if it's a problem.)

• Everything scales to whatever size makes you happy.

• Buddy icons are completely hidden if "show user icons" is deselected.

• Buddy icons enlarge to native size on mouse-down and reverts to small size on mouse-up. Unless the cursor is no longer over the icon on mouse-up, in which case it stays big. (Yes, icons *could* get smaller if the native size is smaller than the default size, but that's nigh impossible!)

• Includes every combination of each basic style (except those that would only be visible whole hovering). That's an absurd 88 variants! There are screenshots below for chats with icons, without icons, with enlarged icons, as well as for some of the combinations of basic variants. (No, I will not post a screenshot for every variant!)

• Selecting "show header" in the prefpane will hide all status messages except date separators.

• I tweaked the right-margins of the indented variants so that it corresponds to the left-margin indentation. It is primarily visible with bar variants or in the hover highlights. Let me know what you think.

Known Issues:

It probably won't work too well in group chats.

Copy/Paste ugliness. As far as I can tell, this is a bug in Apple's Webkit, and I have no way to work around it.

Tiny emoticons. If you know of a way to get emoticons to "float" vertically on the appropriate line without altering the line's height, I'd love to hear about it.

Please report any other bugs/limitations you find.


(03/20/08) 3.0

lots of invisible code tweaks
lots of color and spacing tweaks
added emoticon scaling to avoid the disruption of line spacing by graphical emoticons
added smoothscrolling

now contains 88 variants for combinations of:

color bars
grey bars
color blocks
grey blocks
color lines
grey lines
indented text
large text
rounded corners

(04/16/08) 3.0.1

Misc minor tweaks
Implemented optional status message hiding.
Added spiffy fade to background hover states.
Emoticons are now 25% larger than they were in 3.0! The exact scaling will vary according to font family/size and emoticon pack, but when using the default pack with Lucida Grande, the emoticons are scaled only 1 pixel at 14pt, or three pixels at 12pt.

(08/06/08) 3.1

Fixed problem with column alignment in LargeText variants.
Each message will display sender on lower right edge when you hover over it.
Removed spiffy fade from background hover states. A webkit bug caused Adium to hold on to cpu (sometimes at 100%) until you closed the chat window!
Disabled buddy icons in groupchat since you'd only see your own.
Converted colors from rgba to hsla.
Fixed bug that could cause text >18pt to become misaligned.
Tweaked the right-margins of IndentText variants.
Decreased hover highlight granularity. Now instead of highlighting time and message separately, they are highlighted as a unit.


You can reply to individual comments by clicking the "Reply" link next to each.

# by slind on 06/26/04 at 20:29:06

Great! Looks almost exactly like a theme I created for Proteus (and I'm glad I don't have to re-create it for Adium).

"Do you really need your own text to be as prominent as your buddy's?"
Exactly. I remember what I wrote 2 seconds ago; I don't need to re-read it.

And buddy names are a waste of space. Your friend's name shows up in the tab bar at the bottom, and in the title bar of the Message Window. It doesn't need to be attached to EVERY message he/she sends as well.


# by CzarDerivative on 06/27/04 at 08:43:13

How does it handle chats with multiple people and non-unique buddy icons?

# by CzarDerivative on 06/27/04 at 08:43:59

ah... nevermind... should have read the description... sorry :-)

# by dougward on 10/03/04 at 13:22:50

Awesome theme. I needed something this space-efficient and functional for my small screen.

# by on 10/04/04 at 00:18:29

Nifty :)

# by on 10/31/04 at 20:21:07

I have just discovered Adium X, so I know very little about the program. aNon is a really lovely and well thought out theme. Is there any way in Adium to change colours, if I would like something other than eg. blue for incoming messages?

# by retech on 12/05/04 at 16:15:35

I have a list of possible changes to this, I think it's a great start and want to know if it can be altered. I'd like the dev. to email me if you could so I could discuss this with you further.


# by Anonymous on 12/06/04 at 17:04:29

binotto: Sorry this reply is so late. I'm not sure how I overlooked your comment. I've disabled the coloring because Adium doesn't apply color consistently. For example, that time stamp would remain blue, but the message would be changed to the user-specified color. So, you can change aNon's colors in CSS, but not from within Adium.

# by Anonymous on 12/06/04 at 17:21:36

retech: email sent.

# by on 05/17/05 at 21:36:55

hey, what happened to the embossed version for... .77, i think it was? it was my favorite; although the "plain" version now is good, too. i just want a minimalist message style, but not -too- minimalist. :)

# by on 06/25/05 at 19:15:08

Thank you SO much for this theme. I'm an extreme minimalist and this is perfectly customizable. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

# by mathuaerknedam on 06/29/05 at 13:00:08

Sorry Kei, I just couldn't get the embossed variant to work conceptually, so I dropped it.

# by odinsdream on 11/27/05 at 23:18:41

Why isn't my font choice respected for both my text and my buddy's text? I choose Verdana 10pt, and their messages appear in that font, but mine appear in a smaller one - I think Helvetica. How can I set all text to the same font?

# by mathuaerknedam on 11/28/05 at 13:03:45

To the best of my knowledge, this is a longstanding bug in adium. :( aNon doesn't specify *any* fonts.

# by odinsdream on 11/28/05 at 16:42:01

I'm comfortable editing plists, if that's required to set the font choice. I had the same issue in a previous version, and when I brought it up in the IRC room, I was given a tip on which plist the font setting was stored in. However, after some upgrades, my changes were lost.

Has anyone figured out how to set the font?

# by mark_xiamen on 01/06/06 at 00:55:11

Why is it that setting the font works in "minimalist" message style, but only partially ... contact's text, not our own ... in this aNon? My text in aNon is in a particularly horrible, badly aliased font which might drive me back to "minimalist" even though I don't want the colours or need the names in the chat window!

# by mathuaerknedam on 01/06/06 at 13:48:51

I don't know why this would happen, as aNon doesn't specify *any* font information, and I don't see the problem you describe. Does the problem persist if you change fonts? What version of Adium and OSX are you using? Can you post a screenshot?

# by mark_xiamen on 01/07/06 at 00:15:19

I don't know either. I don't have this problem with Proteus. I'll try other fonts and will post a screenshot as soon as I can get into Adium and online with a contact ... most of my contacts are MSN-users, and currently, Adium has great difficulty logging on to MSN from here (Xiamen in China). If I try twice or more times in a row to connect, it crashes. Proteus has difficulty connecting, but doesn't crash. On the other hand Adium is slightly better than Proteus in terms of leaving my contacts in the groups where I want them, not continually returning them to where it thinks they should be!
TiBook 400 Mhz/640 MB RAM/80 GB HD, OS 10.4.3, Adium 0.87, QuickSilver, Stuffit engine, only basic things no haxies. HimmelBar latest version has problems, so I will remove it until they sort it out, Growl doesn't work with anything!

# by mark_xiamen on 01/08/06 at 21:07:21

Finally got on line with Adium, so here is a screen-shot as requested

I tried going back to the "Minimalist" message style, and discovered that it now--or was my memory wrong?--displays the same problem. The font in question is "Century Gothic", by the way, I think 12 point though it is rather large, as opposed to "Optima 12".
Since I last wrote, the HimmelBar problem is solved. Only Growl doesn't work on this machine.

# by mathuaerknedam on 01/09/06 at 18:30:55

What * should* the font be? should it be the same for incoming and outgoing? do you have "show received message fonts" selected? Does this happen for all contacts? Do your contacts have any formatting selected (bold, italic, color, font, size, etc)? Doe it help if you go to format -> Restore Default Formatting?

Sorry for the barrage of questions, I'm just trying to isolate the issue.

# by mark_xiamen on 01/08/06 at 21:10:56

Sorry, the link doesn't work, and I don't know how to paste an image on this message ... I'll send an email to the address I get from your link above.

# by mark_xiamen on 01/08/06 at 21:11:03

Sorry, the link doesn't work, and I don't know how to paste an image on this message ... I'll send an email to the address I get from your link above.

# by fb_ on 02/16/06 at 06:51:11

very cool! i like it :)! nice job

# by mathuaerknedam on 02/16/06 at 18:29:37

Thank you.

# by cosmosheep on 04/13/06 at 15:00:41


# by mathuaerknedam on 04/13/06 at 15:01:46


# by dchoby98 on 05/05/07 at 04:36:47

I love this style, and recently updated (Apparently I've been using a slightly out-of-date version for a while). All of a sudden, my buddy icons are HUGE! (that is, full size). I can't resize them by clicking on them. Turning off "display user icons" leaves question marks in place of the icons. Help!

# by dchoby98 on 05/05/07 at 13:07:44

... and magically, it works again. I think there was a conflict between two different versions of aNon.

# by mathuaerknedam on 05/06/07 at 01:01:10

I'm glad to hear it's working again.I'm guessing you didn't quit Adium between aNon updates? I've often seen weirdness when updating message styles without a restart. If I recall correctly it's caused by webkit caching and Adium not explicitly reloading everything, but it's been years since I was actively working on this stuff. Of course the problem may have been something else! :)

# by KHannibal on 04/18/08 at 07:39:50

Nice update ! Thanks ! :)

# by mathuaerknedam on 05/28/09 at 19:05:28

Thanks, and you're welcome.

# by iggames on 09/19/08 at 05:51:31

Just wanted to say this theme is perfect for me, thanks!

# by mathuaerknedam on 05/28/09 at 19:06:13

I'm glad you like it. You're welcome.

# by Franzscissorhands on 05/07/09 at 00:34:24

Perfect, except for one thing... I hide the user icons, but the space used for it is left there, just blank. I would love that to use no space...

# by mathuaerknedam on 05/07/09 at 01:05:04

Thanks, I agree. And as soon as a bug in Adium gets fixed, everything will shift to the left.

# by Franzscissorhands on 05/07/09 at 01:10:59

Great! Thanks

# by p_ghede on 12/10/10 at 08:40:00

beautiful and functional. This is my favorite message style by far.

# by mathuaerknedam on 12/10/10 at 19:02:35

Thanks, I'm glad you like it.

# by p_ghede on 12/10/10 at 08:41:16

It would be nice if you could use submenus to sort all the style options. The list is getting a bit overwhelming because it's so long…

# by mathuaerknedam on 12/10/10 at 19:04:50

I agree, but that's not a capability I can add. The feature existed long ago, and there's a ticket about it in the bug tracker (, but the official statement at the time was that users found the submenus confusing and that the feature wouldn't be coming back.

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Current Version: 3.1
Last Updated: 08/06/08