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Generate Random String

Generate Random String

Submitted By Leif Heflin (ihaveabellybutton)


This script can generate random strings (hence the title). They can consist of numbers, symbols, uppercase letters, and lowercase letters.

Here's how to use it: #genrandstring{numberofcharacters,chrtype}

numberofcharacters - the number of letters/numbers/etc. to generate.
chrtype - what to generate.

For chrtype:
  • a - lowercase letters
  • b - uppercase letters
  • # - numbers
  • ! - symbols

Example: #genrandstring{12,ab} = BnioyxeyzcxW

You don't have to include all of the chrtype's and they don't have to be in order.

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8.97kb (545 downloads)

3.20 / 6 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 11/11/06