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Submitted By stéphane dely (ultraman)


17 emoticons in 20x20 pixels size.

The archive has been reuploaded due to problems with download file provided by AdiumTeam, but the same problem occurs when you try to download it....

So, if you really want them, get them from my portfolio, I'm tired to reupload a new archive in adiumxtras website.



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# by Dylan1077 on 11/18/06 at 23:24:52

Looks great ultraman!

# by ultraman on 11/19/06 at 05:45:33

Thanx Dylan :)

# by snarfer on 11/20/06 at 14:02:37

Heh, I don't think the name is all that great, but I love them!

# by ultraman on 11/20/06 at 14:21:35

Thanx Snarfer, hopefully the name isn't really important, my english isn't really good as I'm french. :)

# by snarfer on 11/21/06 at 00:32:59

The names aren't all that important. I just figured that they could use a little re-thinking is all; no big deal.

# by dcentity2000 on 11/21/06 at 17:59:13

I love these!

# by twee.doderik on 11/23/06 at 06:38:06

not working for me.. bad filename or something, impossible to "install"

# by ultraman on 11/23/06 at 07:37:52

Strange, because it has been correcty uploaded and checked by Adium team, I'm not at home so I can't check the archive
Anyway, you can get them here

# by Makkisan on 12/12/06 at 05:02:12

These are great Ultra :) thanks man.

# by tgos on 06/20/07 at 13:45:21

Great smileys, soooo cute. However, there's one of them I dislike. It's the sad one :( - it just does not really look sad. A sad mouth would have been better.

# by allyx on 10/27/07 at 02:01:58

I agree with 'tgos'... love them all except the sad star doesn't look sad. and the crying one has too much water streaming down it's face! cool idea though.

# by solly3 on 03/15/08 at 07:54:13

How do you make your own smiley set?

# by milenoi on 04/16/10 at 12:33:28

Dear stéphane,
i love your grin-iconset. ist it possible to use it outside adium?
Thx, Mel

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353.89kb (12730 downloads)

4.00 / 89 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 11/23/06