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Zelda (Ocarina of Time)

Zelda (Ocarina of Time)

Submitted By Liz (zombihunter)


This is the StatusIcons that goes with the rest of my Zelda theme. They are simple health (heart) indicators from the game. They are small so they don't take up too much room on the Friends' List.



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# by enkuturi-akrias on 12/09/06 at 14:44:49

very really cool all the xtras, but the message window can be better (the paper like things can be more realintic, like with shadows and burned corners, like a ancient paper) very good job

# by Didz on 12/11/06 at 19:39:50

Where can I find the rest of your Zelda theme ? Right now it doesn't seem to be online ...

# by zombihunter on 12/11/06 at 19:49:09

Right now the SoundSet and 1.1 and 2.0 (more like what enkuturi-akrias suggested) Message styles are pending approval. I'll post the links once they are approved on here.

# by Project_X022 on 05/19/10 at 21:37:11

Is it possible to make a set of these that are a little bit bigger?
I like them, but they can be a little bit hard to see at times.

# by manufrau on 09/21/11 at 22:21:05

how do i put my contact list like that hel please :D

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16.11kb (1894 downloads)

3.80 / 20 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 12/06/06
Zelda (C) by Nintendo