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Grey Starlines

Grey Starlines

Submitted By Ali Amir (Ali)


I've always liked the look of the 'Black Is Beautiful' contact list by Lode but have never actually used it for long because I didn't feel it was quite "compact" enough for day to day use for me. After waiting long enough for someone else to come up with such a "compact" version, I decided to make it myself. I designed it to work best with the Silkscreen font and the Contact Bubbles window style though I think it looks pretty good on all styles. It also works best with low opacity (I personally like it around 15%, like in the screenshot) so that things like status changes are nice and subtle. It works best on medium to light backgrounds thanks to me setting the Idle and Away font colours to black but that's obviously easy to change if you'd like to use it over a dark background.

This is my first Xtra and I'm sure it could do with a great deal of improvement but, well, I hope you like it anyway :)


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22.24kb (2581 downloads)

3.60 / 16 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 12/30/06
Based on 'Black Is Beautiful' by Lode Vanhove (Lode)

Font is Silkscreen by Jason Kottke (took the idea of using it from Boramor)

Status Icons are Stars by Peter Simonsson (pms)