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Star Wars

Star Wars

Submitted By Steve Major (smajor)


Sounds from Star Wars. Now updated with the new sound events in Adium .62.


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# by on 07/26/04 at 07:38:32

This is a really great sound set and I'm really enjoying it a lot. It would be really great if you could somehow incorperate the sounds of like Darth Vader's respirator breathing, or some of lightsaber sound effects. Of course there are so many great sound effects and quotes that there could be many different Star Wars sound sets made, but anyways great work and keep it up.

# by on 08/23/04 at 18:50:43

I have been using this sound set since I began with adium right after I switched. Its a great sound set. The only problem I have found is that it dosen't care what the adium volume is set to. I post it here because Im not sure it is an Adium problem since it only happens with this sound set.

Great work so far.....

# by on 12/19/04 at 18:29:47

A bit anoying, but I like it!

# by claidheamdanns on 11/07/05 at 10:26:04

Nice job!

# by Sirius74 on 12/05/05 at 15:28:53

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!

# by krystoff on 02/01/07 at 13:23:26

It`s good, but Sound "Returnidle" is not playing.

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465.19kb (49492 downloads)

3.40 / 341 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/08/04