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Electric Dream

Electric Dream

Submitted By Dominik Dimaano (MrRoboto)


A soundset released to commemorate 1000 downloads for C Major. Thank you all so much.

A collection of five mutated synthesizer runs for the following events: Buddy LogOn, Buddy LogOff, New Message Received, Message Sent, Message Received.

Mind you, this soundset is entirely different from C Major so please go ahead and download for a new experience.

Electric Dream was inspired by the airport intercoms and train station departure indicators in Tokyo, Japan.

As always, feedback is very much appreciated.

*Note: Based on user feedback, this soundset is not recommended to be used with screen names with busy contact lists (i.e. frequent sign ons/sign offs). I may change the sign on/sign off sounds based on your comments.

*Note: Many users dislike the dreamy mood and tone of this soundset, especially the long LogOn & LogOff sounds. A more popular and modified version of this soundset is available for download, and you can find it under the name "Tokyo Train Station." This version will still be available for download for those late AIM-ers who suffer from insomnia; it can easily lull you to sleep.


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# by cbarrett on 07/01/04 at 04:32:45

Love the Online/offline sounds! Great work.

# by freeze on 07/01/04 at 04:38:12

sounds lag a little too long...i have a ton of people on my list signing on and off all the time, so it gets annoying. the sounds themselves are pleasant though.

# by tedger on 07/01/04 at 14:36:17

Pehaps if you included a shorter version of the long in log off? :) Great sound set though

# by The Archpadre on 07/03/04 at 03:22:45

Downloaded and double-clicked to install. Said that it installed, but was not available as a sound set. Had to create it as a custom scheme.

Sounds are nice though. We'll see if this one doesn't suffer the problem C Major had: it blended with my music too much.

# by Junpei on 08/26/04 at 19:34:36

I think this is a great idea. I really like the train sounds they have in Japan. This set though, well, maybe sounds a little /too/ dreamy. I know that's the point. ^^ Maybe there could be a slightly less-dreamy version?

# by on 09/02/04 at 17:15:31

Sounds great and have a very calming effect to me! I absolutely love the sounds used in public Tokyo and therefore always prefer to use the train. I agree with Junpei, the sounds are dreamy when being compared :}

# by on 09/10/04 at 05:58:30

I think maybe the sign on sound might be a little too long... I have so many people on my list that it gets a little annoying... but that aside... this is the best I have seen!
I give it a 5/5

# by Arodweb on 12/31/04 at 21:01:15

Very Cool...reminds me of trilian

# by karen on 01/21/05 at 16:46:47

I really like it but wish there were a few more sounds in it.

# by on 04/10/05 at 09:05:44

I'm really interested in these sound sets, but I keep on downloading empty .zip files. Am I doing something wrong?

# by ylon on 07/30/05 at 13:34:04

Wonderful. You should make some sounds that go along with this for Tiger system events.

# by suzykaploozie on 05/11/06 at 11:09:17

Awesome sound set! Love them!

# by csquared on 07/13/06 at 15:29:48

I've always preferred this one over Tokyo Train Station, in defiance of popular opinion. I think it's all the reverb.

# by locusmote on 10/07/06 at 23:49:55

Both sound sets are amazing. What I am *really* dying for are a few sound samples that I can assign to other events. Preferably the typical "Breathy Japanese Announcement Woman" with super reverb as though echoing through a train station. I'd love to hear her make an announcement when a file transfer started or something.

# by brendino on 04/30/07 at 20:15:18

Kind of boring...

# by bebowler on 11/22/07 at 21:12:42

A great adaption to the Tokyo Train Station sounds. Fit in a little better with Mac OS X leopard and my spacey Adium theme if a little quiet.

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1.28mb (33515 downloads)

3.50 / 289 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/01/04
All sounds created by Dominik Dimaano (MrRoboto)
