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Submitted By Oskar Krawczyk (oskar.krawczyk)


Here is the first revision of AntiPropaganda Messages Style for AdiumX IM. The whole idea was inspired by MyPropaganda weblog.

I'm working on a enhanced version of AntiPropaganda, with loads of JavaScript features, ie. SingleClick Quoting, live searching, avatar view and more. Stay tuned.



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# by 61Tipo61 on 01/14/07 at 17:22:52

Nice, very clean :)

# by Dylan1077 on 01/14/07 at 17:48:23

Looks great Oskar!

# by lordoftheoats on 01/14/07 at 19:18:00


# by dcentity2000 on 01/14/07 at 19:34:16


# by enkuturi-akrias on 01/14/07 at 19:35:04

jaja ta weno. i like it. hablas español? yo soy de chile

# by oskar.krawczyk on 01/14/07 at 19:47:08

Thanks guys for the thumbs-up!

@enkuturi-akrias: sorry there mate I don't speak Spanish.

# by Yohmgaï on 01/14/07 at 21:14:58

Very good theme (like the blog) I'm really impatient to see what you''l do next ^^ but I have a problem with your theme... here is a screenshot of what it does in my own chat window :
As you can see, stripes are not collapsing with text... is there any way to fix that but formatting text ? thanks a lot :)
4 ducks because of this problem, but it's still a nice and colourfull theme :)

# by oskar.krawczyk on 01/14/07 at 21:25:36

Well that happens when you use custom fonts/colours my friend :-) Originally the theme was developed for Lucida Grande 12. So just double check in your preferences if that one is set correctly. And also... well you might want to turn off custom font for incoming messages.

One more thing, regarding emot's - personally I don't use them so dunno what will happen to the style if you get a big-ass emot :-)

# by koCO78 on 11/04/07 at 21:55:37

I have this font selected and have the same prolem :(

# by bladdo on 01/14/07 at 23:14:36

Amazing job man, I signed up just to comment on this one. You should make a matching buddy list to go with it. Just amazing, best work I've seen on adium message windows.


# by oskar.krawczyk on 01/15/07 at 05:56:19

Big thanks Bladdo!


# by Sekkyumu on 01/15/07 at 13:51:35

Yeah great theme ! Waiting for the news :).

# by Mxwllsmrt4 on 01/15/07 at 17:02:33

sweet message style bud.

more colors would be sweet, can't wait for updates.

way to go.

# by skoo402 on 01/16/07 at 11:57:55

Easy on the eyes. I like it.

More color variants would be a plus.

# by 61Tipo61 on 01/16/07 at 22:52:32

Hmm, it doesn't seem to want to scroll for me...

# by 61Tipo61 on 01/16/07 at 22:53:00

# by Daffy on 02/07/07 at 00:18:09

Beautiful :) works quite nicely!

# by rob1n on 02/28/07 at 13:51:43

I really like this message style, disabled the emoticons for using it, but i still have the same scrolling bug as 61Tipo61 sometimes. Anyways, a matching contact list theme would be awesome!!

# by Erikaatje on 03/12/07 at 17:31:28

very nice and clean

# by TwisterMc on 03/20/07 at 13:00:32

I love the theme, but have a bug. When there are only a few messages in the window, the bottom one is cut off. Once there are enough messages to fill the window, and one goes off the top, then it all works great.

# by oskar.krawczyk on 03/20/07 at 13:04:55

Thanks for the info TwisterMc - will address the problem in new release.

# by tikabanget on 04/13/07 at 10:21:30

simple.. i like it ^_^

# by tikabanget on 04/13/07 at 10:24:23

but, why the last message i or my friend enter can't show?

# by rcx on 05/02/07 at 17:15:15

I like this msg style, but unfortunately it's


you can't see the last line of the conversation (with emoticons, fonts and colors enabled).
Hope you fix this soon.

# by mathuaerknedam on 11/30/08 at 21:24:04

What's the status of the in-progress "enhanced version" mentioned in the description?

# by Leech on 02/06/09 at 15:31:14

Awesome! Please add more color themes :)

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4.10 / 74 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/14/07
Bradlay Law (

Oskar Krawczyk (