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The Big Lebowski

The Big Lebowski

Submitted By Chaz Curry (savemefromtears)


I can't believe someone has not made this sooner...

A freakin' Big Lebowski soundset for all you sinners out there!!!

I'm proud to announce the long awaited Big Lebowski soundset titled "This Is What Happens When You Fuck a Stranger In The A$$!" to accompany your Adium configuration.

Since this movie is one of the most daily quoted screenplays (at least in my own special little world) that I've come ever across, I had an extremely hard time deciding which audio clips to leave in or cut out. Suffice it to say, I think I've done a pretty good job to say the least.

--and now for the nitty gritty... I edited and normalized the audio from the DVD in Logic Pro and exported each clip as a 160 kbps stereo mp3.

Feel free to mix, match, and combine all the sounds from the soundset to your taste.

Questions, comments, concerns... send me a holla.


email //

P.S. Graphic language does accompany this soundset (as per the movie), so please take note.



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# by snarfer on 01/30/07 at 01:49:35

I love it. Thank you!

# by Bradical on 01/30/07 at 03:50:50

Brilliant. A leap in Man-Kind.

# by prinsen on 02/20/07 at 16:48:37

The arwork could make a great dock icon.

# by themanhimself on 09/03/07 at 15:16:29

Awesome. If I may humbly make a request for an accompanying message style?

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969.63kb (4721 downloads)

3.50 / 16 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 01/25/07
Chaz Curry