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Lyrical 1.5

Lyrical 1.5

Submitted By Will Hayworth (whayworth)


This AppleScript extends and improves upon Lyrical version 1.0, developed by quis. I felt that the changes were enough to merit a separate entry, given that quis commented in June of this past year on the original plugin page that he would no longer be able to work on the project.

This is my first plugin here, and my first serious AppleScript, really, as well, so any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks, and have fun with the script!

Modified from quis's Lyrical 1.0:
Usage: Type %_lyric in a conversation or your display name.
Result: Lyrical will return a random line from the lyrics of the song you are listening to. A new lyric every time the song is changed.
Requires: iTunes 5 or above. Walter Ritter's excellent pearLyrics widget or application is recommended for populating your library with lyrics.
Cheese: A delicious dairy-based foodstuff. Swiss or Jarlsberg preferred.

To Do:
  • Fix international character support
  • Upon waking from sleep, the value of %_lyric doesn't change from the value it was set to before sleep. Is this a bug in the script? Adium? Investigation pending.

To set up a constant name/lyric for a specific song (for example, if a song is instrumental), append "display lyric as " (without the quotes) followed by the desired name to the iTunes comment for that song.

For example, let's say you wanted Take Five by Dave Brubeck to always set the display to "Instrumental Piece", and you had already put "Great jazz." as the comment for it. No problem! Set the comment for the song to

Great jazz. display lyric as Instrumental Piece

and you're set!

(Note that the script interprets the lyric replacement as starting from the space after "as" in "display lyric as " until the end of the comment...thus, this must always be the final element of the comment.)


Improvements upon the original version include:
  • The script should no longer get "stuck" when a given song has no lyrics in iTunes's database.
  • The ability to have any commas at the end of auto-chosen lyrics removed.
  • The ability to set a custom display for a given song by modifying that song's iTunes comment (method described within the script itself and above), for example, if a given song is instrumental.
  • Apostrophes are escaped properly, so "I'll" or "you're" in the lyrics, for example, stays "I'll" or "you're" and doesn't become "Ill" or "youre", respectively.



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# by quis on 02/03/07 at 16:48:31

I'm glad someone took this on. At first glance you seem to have done a great job and fully have my blessing. Thanks!

# by xtian21c on 02/06/07 at 15:59:36

When playing a Chinese or Japanese song, the lyrics (written in Ch and Jp characters) appear only for a short while, and then revert to a previous lyric in Western text (Roman alphabet).

# by whayworth on 02/07/07 at 04:08:24

Oooh! I don't have any songs with non-Roman character lyrics in my library, so I didn't test for this...I'll try to investigate ASAP. Thanks for reporting this!

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3.80 / 6 votes
Current Version: 1.5
Last Updated: 01/31/07
Credit to quis for developing the original version, known as Lyrical.