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Fiat Picture Palace

Fiat Picture Palace

Submitted By Taniele Billini (taniele)


I really like Fiat, but also really like avatars, and Fiat only have a small preview of my contacts' pictures. So I added big avatars and edited the timestamps to make Fiat my really favourite theme.
If you prefer the original one, here it is: Fiat.

Thanks to the original authors, Jim Rodovich and Andrew Raffensperger.

This message style will only work in Adium 1.0+ due to file transfer customization.


Version 1.1: changed tables do divs to hopefully fix the screen name bar bug.


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# by zazzakakashi on 02/12/07 at 21:27:34

This is my favorite theme ALL TIME, i have been dying to see a Fiat feel with a better icone like this. The others were too tiny for me.

However my only question would be : When people have very long screenames, it overlaps on the text and the picture :/ Does anyone get that too?

Other than that, i love it !


# by taniele on 02/13/07 at 05:52:44

I had to fix it, and if I can I'll post an update. Thanks for your feedback!

# by zazzakakashi on 02/13/07 at 11:13:24

Thanks dude ! G R E A T WORK !!

# by tasmanian_devil on 04/22/07 at 17:48:27

oooh! its prettyful!! awesome job!

# by lizzielou19 on 05/18/07 at 00:33:01

Let me know when you fix the screenname bar. I love this style.

# by Reita-sama on 07/20/07 at 07:51:46

I love this style, but the only thing that prevents me from using it is the screen name bar. Any plans to fix/update this?

# by taniele on 07/20/07 at 08:09:46

Yes, I would like to fix it but unfortunately I have so much time to do that. I'll look forward your requests and I hope to release a new version soon.

# by Reita-sama on 07/20/07 at 08:11:19

It's completely understandable. It's a great theme, either way. : )

Looking forward to that, also, thanks. Good luck.

# by dcentity2000 on 07/20/07 at 19:07:03

That's brilliant!

# by mokona.amane on 09/19/09 at 12:56:21

i love it : )


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135.3kb (2562 downloads)

3.60 / 22 votes
Current Version: 1.1
Last Updated: 07/20/07
Based on Fiat by Jim Rodovich (dzhim) and Andrew Raffensperger (nsraffy); default user picture by Sam Gwilym (Vectory Adium)