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Adiumy Green

Adiumy Green

Submitted By Eugen Buzuk (Buzuk)


Green Adium dock icon.


Updated. Now in four colors and with 512 size for Leopard



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# by coerul on 02/06/07 at 16:20:57

A wonderful alternate version of the Adium duck! x3

# by tedger on 02/06/07 at 16:24:16

That is awesome... I..... I don't know what to say. That is really amazing. Any chance you might be making alternate colors? Perhaps..... bright blue!?

# by tedger on 02/06/07 at 16:25:25

Aww, unfortunately he doesn't scale down to a dock my size. None the less that is truely fantastic.

# by Chibi on 08/16/08 at 06:48:05

You can change the size of your Dock.
Will that help you?

# by xSpikex on 02/06/07 at 17:27:10

wow, just wow!
... and 5 DUCKS of course!

# by Brutal on 02/06/07 at 17:43:25

Simply beautiful!

# by Seeq on 02/06/07 at 17:45:44

I am really liking this. Awesome job.

# by Buzuk on 02/06/07 at 17:58:40

Thanks, )
yes, i'll try to make it in few different colors soon.

# by Flipflop123 on 02/06/07 at 18:12:14

It Scares me but its a great icon

# by doubleback on 02/06/07 at 19:44:22

wow he looks really happy :-D

# by enkuturi-akrias on 02/06/07 at 19:47:46

looks kool

# by dcentity2000 on 02/06/07 at 20:18:11


# by neko on 02/06/07 at 21:29:02

really creepy. but i bet a canadian car wash token they'll make this the new default next major update.

# by Shark!! on 02/06/07 at 21:55:43


# by Seeq on 02/06/07 at 23:48:10

I think you mean phat :-p

# by maoos on 02/07/07 at 04:42:05

Amazing icon!

# by evolus on 02/07/07 at 11:18:12

I love it, your icon should be AdiumX Default icon :)

# by mathuaerknedam on 02/07/07 at 14:46:05

M R Ducks.

M R Not!

O S A R.

C M Wangs?

L I B!

M R Ducks.

# by mathuaerknedam on 02/07/07 at 14:46:57

Sorry, I was inspired by how wing-like the wings are compared to those on the Default or Vectory Adiumy.

# by Yohmgaï on 02/07/07 at 23:21:08

Wonderful ! I love this silly fat duck, better than vector and original :) And it writes alerts in french (I'm french) it's soooo good :)

# by adium on 02/08/07 at 00:45:52

interesting, i never would have thought of that, i like it, 4 duckkies

# by biglittledragoon on 02/08/07 at 10:15:18

It's really fun!
I don't know exactly why, but for me it looks like a Dodo ( Maybe because he is fat...

# by pumpkin on 02/08/07 at 11:16:49

You're a genius.

# by kidrocky7 on 02/08/07 at 15:25:11

any chances in having different colors?

# by Flea on 02/08/07 at 19:46:31

HAUhUAhuHuahuA!! So funny and so plumpy!! o/

# by DeathAxe on 02/10/07 at 20:29:54


# by SamGwilym on 02/18/07 at 11:25:01

Haha, this is really wonderful. Good to see somebody doing something really different with the duck.

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/18/07 at 17:38:15

I wouldn't want it staring at me from my dock but it's nice, very well done.

# by carvas on 06/08/07 at 16:06:09

i truly love it! thank you! JUST ONE REQUEST: please make it blink the eyes too! like the one on the top! :)

# by Maraklov on 07/09/07 at 21:34:47

i second! blinking version would be awesome!

# by auric on 11/07/07 at 20:58:45

Would there a way to provide a 512x512 version? (To match the new Leopard icons ;-) )

# by Buzuk on 11/15/07 at 11:34:26

now they are with 512x512 size for leopard

# by auric on 11/16/07 at 13:58:58

Magnificent... Thanks!

# by csquared on 11/16/07 at 15:24:35

A truly fantastic dock icon keeps getting better. Wonderful, wonderful work!

# by Plizzo on 11/17/07 at 08:47:16

Cant you make it Blink like it does on the small preview image? That would be great!

# by Buzuk on 11/19/07 at 14:40:05

Not sure that it's a good idea. It will be taking attention every time it blinks. But it must take attention only when you receive a message.

# by caletz on 11/17/07 at 09:22:59

this, should be, the OFFICIAL logo!

# by Purpla on 11/19/07 at 22:01:58

Superb update!
Will you update the awake and flap statuses to 512 as well?

# by bassman92 on 01/03/08 at 03:53:53

this is the greatest duck i have ever seen, the wings they are so wingy i love it. i would love it even more if there were more colours....*cough*

# by Bonka on 03/17/08 at 03:52:36

This really should be the official icon for Adium.

# by driecken on 11/28/08 at 06:50:41

Well done.

Thanks for the hard work.

# by miscbeep on 01/15/09 at 07:19:03

There is no invisible status ?

# by grintoul on 01/28/09 at 03:18:02

Absolutely LOVE this! Great work :)

One minor thing though - is it possible to make the duck semi-transparent when status is set to invisible, in the same way that the default icon is faded? At the moment I can't tell at a glance whether I'm set to away or invisible.

But, as I say, love it. Thanks!

# by techmurph on 06/25/09 at 21:50:35

im amazed by how much i use this icon set i have not changed since you posted them. just one consideration since i am a lakers(you know the basketball team) fanatic, i was wondering with this set you can make it with a lakers jersey on it. I mean if its not to much if it is then you can point me in the direction where someone can do it. THANKS ANYWAYS!

# by tanchka on 09/11/10 at 10:09:20

Fabulous! Simply the best one! Many thanks =))))

# by Bonka on 02/16/12 at 02:39:30

4 years later and I'm here to repeat : This should be the official icon. Great work

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3.90 / 637 votes
Current Version: 1
Last Updated: 11/15/07
By Eugen Buzuk from