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Submitted By Boramor


The iPhone Skin for Adium
Seeing the iPhone made me want to recreate it into an Adium skin. So, here it is, a skin inspired by the iPhone's contactlist.
I am not able to supply you with the right font for it, as it's an Apple only font and not available for free (i.e. Apple Myriad Set).
I chose Helvetica Neue as it rather looks like Myriad, hope you'll like it.



NOTE: The top image with the iPhone body around the contactlist is NOT possible in Adium, it's a mere illustration.
If you want to get your contactlist to look like an iPhone, check the comments for useful hints and tips.


- First release!



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# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/13/07 at 02:48:23

I'm not sure what the top image has to do with things but it is really cool. I'm not crazy about the real actual style though.

# by jstrully on 02/13/07 at 02:51:10

I think it'd be pretty sweet if we could get the iPhone body around the contact list...

# by GeckoMan on 02/13/07 at 04:17:25

a cheesy solution to the problem, due to lack of skins

just pasted onto the desktop, and list resized accordingly :D

# by enkuturi-akrias on 02/13/07 at 12:28:22

nice :)

# by xSpikex on 02/13/07 at 18:37:30

well done! the idea of GeckoMan is nice, too :)

# by RAPMANkev on 02/15/07 at 23:53:11

nice !

# by jeby on 02/16/07 at 20:08:51

look at this for a possible solution

# by Boramor on 02/16/07 at 20:15:49

That is an option, and I have tried working with it, but it won't do as contact lists are resizable and the iPhone picture isn't.
No problem on notebook paper, that can just repeat.

# by jeby on 02/25/07 at 12:36:28

"that can just repeat"
I don't kwnow very well how does it works, but with this image you can set the repeat of the "middle" part, in vertical.

# by javierramirez on 04/02/07 at 16:04:52

I still cant manage to get my contacts to fit neatly in the iphone picture... any more step by step tips to make it happen?

# by prach on 04/27/07 at 03:07:57

i just make a desktop with the iphone picture in it and then put my contact list over the area of the picture where the contact list would go.

# by F-A on 06/02/07 at 10:13:56

what about this widget?

maybe a help???

# by rikibrucelee on 08/18/07 at 11:53:18

Hi everybody, I've download the iphone widget from
If you take a look into the Package Content of iPhone.wdgt there is a file named Default.png that is a iphone background.
I don't know how to fit it exactly for the account list, anybody knows?

# by zfraint on 12/31/07 at 22:56:30

HELP!!!!! I am a fairly decent Mac/iPhone user, and I have unlocked the iPhone and I am using it abroad. However, I have NO idea how to install Adium on the phone and I NEED to do it. Can anyone one who knows more then me help me?? If someone could walk me through it step by step I'd appreciate it so much! You can post the directions here or even better, email me at

# by Applefish on 02/12/08 at 14:34:57

I love it :-)

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 02/12/07