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Submitted By tilc


This is my "Terran" soundset (my first) from the famous game: Starcraft/Broodwar and I think it really pwns! :) Enjoy!


Version 1.0



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# by tilc on 02/17/07 at 20:08:40

Hope you will like my Terran package. :)

# by coerul on 02/24/07 at 15:48:07

The sounds could use a little cleaning up but it's not like the game had really high quality sound anyway. xD

Good job. :3

# by tilc on 02/24/07 at 15:53:12

Thanks :))
I turned off the in-music of the game, but I could hear it a bit on loud listening...

# by twalichiewicz on 02/25/07 at 05:32:31

Er, could use some cleaning up, but then again, it is Starcraft. :p

# by twalichiewicz on 02/25/07 at 05:46:30

also, I think they should remake this game like warcraft 3rizzle

# by tilc on 02/25/07 at 07:45:55

okay, goona use a filter or something...
Yes, SC II would be awesome :)

# by tilc on 02/28/07 at 09:12:25

Anyway...I think my set of sounds are pretty clear.

# by kingkoy007 on 05/23/07 at 08:09:11

it's great! hope you post more of this..this lacks the battlecruiser, seige tank and especially the your post man..^_^ more power

# by tilc on 05/23/07 at 08:30:57

Thanks :) You gonna have an SC II SoundSet soon....

# by kingkoy007 on 06/20/07 at 07:23:47

more pls..can you post sounds of the Terran Ghost..? he's so cool..thanks bro..more power!

# by tilc on 06/21/07 at 14:30:54

thanks m8! :) you gonna get a ghost SoundSet soon... :)

# by tilc on 06/30/07 at 11:44:05

Terran Ghost SoundSet is available, check that out! lol

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1.67mb (6052 downloads)

3.60 / 155 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 02/17/07
by tilc from Hungary