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Futurama Bender Dock

Futurama Bender Dock

Submitted By Ross Jeffcoat (loopymonkey)


Bite my shiny metal A$$.

Made with Inkscape.



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# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/19/07 at 17:14:01

I'm not sure what I think of the box, but it's nice, all-in-all.

# by loopymonkey on 02/19/07 at 17:28:00

There's no box, it's just the way i made the screenshot. it's all transparent.

# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 02/19/07 at 19:04:44

Oh, sorry.

# by twalichiewicz on 02/19/07 at 18:14:54

I don't like the red eyes so much, then again, i don't really know what else you could do

# by prinsen on 02/19/07 at 22:59:42

I think your bender Icon is the best bender icon for Adiumx but i like the solution that the earlier bender icon had better than the red eyes.

# by pakete on 03/26/07 at 16:38:48

hey where's the bender menu icon??

# by loopymonkey on 03/27/07 at 15:26:19

Adium moderates temporarily removed all menubar extras until they update the code to support them better. Everyone with a menubar extra got an email notification of the removal. Should be back up soon once they get that code tweaked.

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132.98kb (2731 downloads)

3.70 / 20 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 02/17/07
Ross Jeffcoat