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Shakespearean Insult 2.0

Shakespearean Insult 2.0

Submitted By Joel Brown (Zeratul)


This is a modified version of lankybutmacho's original excellent idea. Instead of accessing every time, I made a database of insults to search from built into the script, to avoid any network issues.

Usage: %_insultl to have a lowercase insult, and %_insultU for an uppercase one.

Lowercase example: thou dissembling dizzy-eyed coxcomb
Uppercase: Thou loggerheaded half-faced hedge-pig


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# by on 07/05/04 at 18:20:09

very cool, especially as i have a mate at oxford doing english

# by reconbot on 07/06/04 at 10:16:57

I love these insult plugins, makes me nostalgic for my old aol script kiddy days. Back when downloading all night on a 14.4 would cost lost of money.

# by Ben Grimsbo on 07/10/04 at 00:10:29

Include shakespearean insults from this place too :)

Just saves me the effort of having to do it myself! And how do I set it up so I can just type /insult?

# by on 07/11/04 at 12:59:19

You have to change multiple things manually. First go to ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Scripts and show the package contents of Insult.AdiumScripts. Open Contents, and open info.plist in TextEdit. Change the line following Keyword from %_insultl to /insultl and the same for the insultU a bit down. That should do it. If you want to get rid of the upper and lowercase stuff, delete one of those scripts from the resource folder, rename the remaining one to insult.scpt, delete that set of items from the plist and rename the remaining set. If you need more detailed instructions, e-mail me.

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21.27kb (5229 downloads)

3.30 / 157 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 07/05/04
lankybutmacho for original idea, website, and thumbnail. tim for the coding framework. Zeratul for everything else.