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MSN Animated + MSN Customs

MSN Animated + MSN Customs

Submitted By sdh


This is an emoticon pack containing 119 original and custom MSN emoticons.

All of them is based on the standard MSN Messenger icons and a large amount of them have been replaced with animated versions. This package also includes custom-made emoticons by many different artists from deviantart, various MSN download sites and as well by myself.

More emoticons may come to this package in time, because I haven't been able to get a hold of all the people I wanted for permission to include their icons. Also, if you have MSN styled emoticons of your own feel free to contact me and I may eventually add them to this pack. This way the xtra can grow larger and stay more updated.

Take a look at the preview pic for all the emoticons. Feedback appreciated.
Note that this xtra may not be uploaded elsewhere.

Here follows a list of credits to all the people who helped me and provided their own custom emoticons for this pack:

~ sina94 for custom emoticons

~ br0kebusta for custom emoticons

~ Glandrid for custom emoticons

~ Kefka-Neko for custom emoticons

~ DrMintman for custom emoticons

~ Green9leaf for custom emoticons
Has deleted his deviantart account

~ ydsog (that's me)

~ eevyl for inspiration and .plist file for base



The emoticons works best on white backgrounds


~ 0.1
Initial release.


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# by enkuturi-akrias on 03/20/07 at 12:39:44

Very good :P looks very good, but some gifs looks very pixelated

# by sdh on 03/20/07 at 13:19:30

Hi there and thanks for the comment!
Could you email me a list of the smileys you think look pixelated? Then I'll take a look at them and see if could tweak em a bit :P

# by sdh on 03/21/07 at 12:29:43

Taking a closer look at them and I can't really see what you mean? Maybe you're meaning that if they're used with darker backgrounds they look pixelated? Because they're really meant to be used with white (and lighter) backgrounds like the original msn ones, then everything should be all good.

# by troplin on 08/30/07 at 17:33:20

What message style ist that?

# by sdh on 08/31/07 at 08:20:42

It's a variation of Candybar, I guess it could be called Milkbar. It's not done by me and not released on the xtras site, I requested it from the creator of Candybar, he was kind enough to do it for me.

# by troplin on 09/02/07 at 13:33:05

could you maybe release it or send it to me? (adresses are in my profile)
that would be great

# by robertacrivano on 03/01/08 at 23:36:16

hey.. i'm a new user of Adium.. I wanna ask you guys something.. why these and anothers emoticons doesn't appears for my friends that use msn on PC ??
thanks for the help.. =/

# by Huevoos on 09/01/09 at 07:18:08

This are not "custom emoticons" as in the MSN meaning you're the only one that can see these emoticons.

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194.9kb (10769 downloads)

3.80 / 41 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 03/15/07
All the poeple who helped me put this together.