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Submitted By Jesse Newland (jnewland)


Very simple message style inspired by the wonderful Sunburst theme for Textmate. Looks best with 11pt Monaco font and a 80% black translucent background.



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# by doubledracula on 02/05/08 at 20:57:29

I dig it!

# by doubledracula on 02/05/08 at 20:57:48

by the way, I had to manually set the background to black..

# by aznlogik on 01/24/13 at 22:16:40

Could you update this for the newest adium? Setting the text color doesn't work; it's stuck on black, thus I can't use a black background, but love the theme anyways from the screenshot you have

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3.50 / 17 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 03/21/07