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4chan quote script

4chan quote script

Submitted By James Hollingsworth (swab148)


This is a quoting script, like any other, only this one quotes memes from 4chan, mostly /b/. I noticed there wasn't one. I basically copied the code from the Frank Zappa script, and edited it to serve my needs. Now I give it to you.

Type "/4chan" to make it work.

In b4 macfag, rules 1&2, etc.


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# by dcentity2000 on 04/24/07 at 19:00:37

o rly?

# by swab148 on 04/25/07 at 04:38:49

ya rly.

# by swab148 on 04/25/07 at 04:40:32

If anyone needs a list of the memes that might pop up, I can give that. Or you could just open the code yourself. Either way. Also, C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER!!

# by cactusjack901 on 11/28/07 at 20:55:34

lulz, nice, most people get pissed when their scripts get ripped off...I am thrilled that mine did =p

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8.15kb (941 downloads)

3.20 / 6 votes
Current Version: 0.0
Last Updated: 04/04/07
Whoever created the Frank Zappa quote script, and 4chan.