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Submitted By Kelly McCormick (kmccormi)


Pretty self-explanatory: this was made to mimic the composition and colors of Iconfactory's application, Twitterrific.
I set my list to 90% opacity.

Use with my Twitterrific status icons:

Twitterrific -
Twitter -



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# by drfloppy on 04/08/07 at 18:01:18

well done.

# by dabigd on 04/13/07 at 11:52:32

Where can I get that message style??

# by kmccormi on 04/13/07 at 17:56:52

it's not a message style ... it's twitterrific, the app that the list is modeled after ...

# by dabigd on 04/13/07 at 17:58:37


# by Sweevil on 05/07/07 at 21:01:30

Thanks for this great theme. Just wondering, will there be a set for message style?

# by kmccormi on 05/15/07 at 04:27:17

Glad you like the theme, Sweevil. I actually hope that someone out there will create a message style too - the theme and icons were easy to create, but I know next to nothing about css and coding so wouldn't be the person to produce a matching message style unfortunately. I'm crossing my fingers along with you.

# by summero on 07/25/07 at 22:36:13

So I downloaded this, but now I need help putting it into my Adium! Someone please help! Thanks.

# by summero on 07/25/07 at 23:01:54


# by hidea on 08/14/07 at 19:34:15

I'm sorry, off topic, but what's the wallpaper you're using? It looks really cool! I know it's a simple hardwood flooring, but that's how I like my wallpaper!

# by Flea on 08/30/07 at 23:38:15

Very good style! Loved it! =)

# by Flea on 09/14/07 at 00:05:10

Couldn't be better! Great work! =D

# by 0fallout0 on 10/03/07 at 16:34:42

I love ur contact list style!!!!!!!! if any of you guys out there have xblaze plugin add me im 0fallout0

# by alanxiang on 12/25/07 at 13:24:59

it;s cool , thank you

# by Shirk on 01/12/08 at 21:12:48

Just uploaded a Adium Message Style to match your Twitterrific look (now in approval).
I'll update this message after it is available ;)

# by Shirk on 01/12/08 at 21:52:04

# by Awfy on 06/05/08 at 12:04:52

Been dieing for a solution to make these two applications look the same. Perfect skin, 10/10.

# by KBS117 on 05/19/09 at 03:55:38

Hey love it, it looks cool with the white text status here:

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Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 04/06/07
Kelly McCormick