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Submitted By Greg Manno (THeGMaN)


Just in time for the playoffs, here's a Henrik Lundqvist dock icon.

The pads were designed off of Lundy's actual pads, and the jerseys were designed off of the actual Rangers jersey. This is about as authentic as you can get lol.

Base state is Lundy standing out of position.
Connecting state is simply a switch between the online and away state images. Sorry for the lack of creativity on this one.
Online state is Lundy standing in position.
Alert state is Lundy going into a butterfly (animated)
Away state is Lundy standing in position, but in the Rangers white (away) jersey :-).

Hope you guys enjoy! LETS GO RANGERS!!

PS if you guys want I'll try to rerelease this with Lundy's actual head, or even a helmet.



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# by Zelf24 on 04/16/07 at 19:17:23

I never realized Adiumy was so muscular, haha

# by THeGMaN on 04/16/07 at 20:22:40

Haha he does look beefy. I had to keep his head low to prevent chopping. Having the goalie pads made him significantly taller. At the same time however, a goalie would keep his head down, so it didn't bother me too much.

# by rustybaum on 02/28/11 at 04:29:40

This is awesome!!!! Have you made any other Rangers xtras?

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Last Updated: 04/07/07