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Submitted By Jóhannes Þorsteinsson (esi)


This is a sound set I actually put together like 1 year ago and it has been resting on my hard drive for the whole time. I thought it would warm the hearts of some marathon fanatics if I would share it. Plus this set is not only for the marathon fans out there, I tried to put it together so the sounds actually make sense and fit their purpose in Adium so the normal Adium user should hopefully be able to enjoy it.

The reason why I added sounds to so few events is because I don't see the purpose of "soundspamming" everything that happens in Adium. But if there is some event you think should be added, or perhaps you got a marathon sound suggestion then please don't hesitate to comment here or e-mail me about it.

sound list
Error - Juggernaut Preparing to Fire
File Transfer Request - Drone Activate
Message Received - Computer Login
Message Received (New) - Got Item
Message Sent - Computer Page

Sounds from the Video Game Marathon Infinity, so all the credit goes to the gods at Bungie Studios.


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# by enkuturi-akrias on 04/22/07 at 22:20:28

Cool!!! i love marathon! were you get the sounds?

I think what the received message sound doesn't fits good, i think the sound Computer Login will be as the New Message sound, and the received message will be the Computer Page sound.

Altough, can you add sounds for connection and disconnection?

# by esi on 04/23/07 at 03:38:57

Thanks for the comment, I'll take a look at what you suggested after school today. :)

If I remember correctly I just exported the sounds from the Marathon Sounds file with Anvil. (or maybe it was some 3rd party Marathon sound editor)

Thanks again for the comment & suggestions.
- cheers
Jóhannes G.

# by Wizardling on 07/28/07 at 05:39:16

Marathon forever! :-) A good start to this set. But I need some connects/disconnects sounds for my buddies and myself, please.

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34.08kb (1149 downloads)

4.10 / 12 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 04/22/07
Compilation - Jóhannes G.
Copyright - Bungie Studios