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Submitted By Elliott Cable (ecable)


I take no credit for this - I just followed the instructions given by evands!

This script will send a message to all your currently online contacts. Simply use /global{message here} to activate it!

  • This does NO TESTS to see how many contacts you have! If you're like I used to be, and have thousands of contacts on lots of different accounts, this could EASILY freeze your computer or make it slow to respond for a while!
  • If you use this a lot and get blocked by your friends, it's not my fault. Don't be an idiot d-:
  • This only sends to your contacts that currently appear ONLINE. If you want to send a message to ALL your contacts, including those that appear offline, use the partner to this script: Xtra #4215

The script currently sends the message to each contact-account PAIR- so if you have three IM names for one friend, even in one meta contact, it will send them the same message 3 times, once from each account. I don't know how to fix this, if you have any tips, I'd be glad to integrate them. Thanks!



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# by evands on 05/20/07 at 13:35:30

I'm nervous about the potential for abuse, but this is a pretty common request... I'm going to approve this with the caveat that if we get reports of it being abused, we'll pull it :)

# by ecable on 05/20/07 at 20:51:59

sounds good to me! I'm just hoping that people have some common sense, probably a bad thing to count on in most cases d-:

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4.30 / 8 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 05/06/07
Original code by evands
A little bit of really easy hacking by elliott cable