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Proxy Toggle

Proxy Toggle

Submitted By Marc Hanlon (marchanlon)


Allows you to toggle the proxy on/off for all of your Adium accounts instantly. Useful if (like me), you have to switch proxy on and off when moving between networks.

In order to make this script work, you need to enable GUI scripting. Go to System Preferences > Universal Access and check "Enable access for assistive devices". (Thanks to Nithin for pointing this out)

Note: This script is GUI scripted so it's slower than I wanted it to be. Still faster than doing it manually of course.


Version 0.2 - Updated script to work with Adium 1.1.2


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# by tasmanian_devil on 05/21/07 at 21:29:35

i dont get it

# by monkeyplusplus on 09/08/07 at 18:14:49

This script is really useful for me, so thanks for writing it!

I did, however, have to modify it slightly to make it work - for whatever reason the 'group 1' part didn't work, so stripping that out and just going straight to 'scroll area 1' does the trick. This might be confusing, so I can post the updated script if anybody wants.

# by x3nergie on 06/03/08 at 18:11:09

That would be greatly appreciated =)

# by marchanlon on 06/03/08 at 19:55:14

The current version incorporates the changes that monkeyplusplus suggested. I no longer use this script myself (am no longer behind that particular proxy) but I'd be happy to try fix it if it's broken again.

# by therealcmj on 10/19/09 at 19:07:48

This doesn't install a button, tab or any other UI into Adium itself.

To install copy this into your user AppleScript directory.
To use simply invoke it from there.

# by pjaikins on 03/09/10 at 13:26:00

Newbie question: in Snow Leopard, I have installed it into ~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Scripts/Adium Proxy Toggle.scpt but how the hell do I invoke it without always popping up with script editor?

# by neu on 01/26/11 at 15:09:03

This doesn't work in Adium 1.4.1 on Snow Leopard. When I run it I get:

Cannot get «class butT» "Accounts" of «class tbar» 1 of window 1 of «class prcs» "Adium" of application "System Events".

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2.89kb (4988 downloads)

3.30 / 14 votes
Current Version: 0.2
Last Updated: 09/23/07
Thanks to Flawless, author of MSNameChange which was the basis of this. Also to monkeyplusplus for fixing the new version.