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GR Emoticons Set

GR Emoticons Set

Submitted By Alessandro Cocco (alecocco)


A simple set of emoticons from GamesRadar Forum!


3.3 - Removed all "extra GR" emoticons (new set here)
3.2 - Removed all "fermosi" gif. New "Fermosi Set" is here
3.1 - Added a new emoticon
3.0 - Added 12 new emoticons
2.2 - Added "crazy" emoticon :O
2.1 - Added 4 new emoticons!
2.0 - Added 10 new emoticons!
1.0 - Initial release



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# by Minas-Giliath on 06/05/07 at 19:27:33

5 juste pour le smiley rock^^

# by alecocco on 06/05/07 at 21:57:05

thanks! ^^

# by And2 on 07/11/07 at 08:51:28

Stupendi :rox: (vabbè qui non è gr non viene fuori ma va bene cmq :rotlf:)

# by alecocco on 07/11/07 at 17:25:43

Aspetto il bonifico...


# by -JSC- on 09/13/07 at 19:07:47

ciao! sono di GR.... ma come faccio a far vedere ad altri utenti MSN (Pc) l'immagine inviata? loro vedono solo il comando.....

# by alecocco on 09/14/07 at 11:52:57

Questo e' un limite di adium, non permette di inviare emoticons personalizzate :(

# by -JSC- on 09/14/07 at 11:54:13

azz!! è un vero peccato....

# by alecocco on 09/15/07 at 07:41:01

Gia' :(
Speriamo in una futura release...

# by solly3 on 03/15/08 at 07:54:45

How do you make your own smiley set?

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30.29kb (2329 downloads)

4.00 / 68 votes
Current Version: 3.3
Last Updated: 09/03/07