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Submitted By David Cox (dcox)


Awayku message
the artful auto reply
when you are away

Awayku is a script that returns a random haiku for use as an auto-reply away message. After installing, select "Edit status menu..." from the Status menu. Then click the "+" mark to make a new custom away status. Title your status message "Haiku" and type in a message if you want, and make sure "Auto-reply" is checked, then check "With a custom auto-reply message". Add "%_Awayku" as the custom reply. Then click OK. The status type of "Haiku" will now be ready to go.


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# by skoo402 on 07/18/07 at 00:24:28

lol... I like this

# by dcox on 07/18/07 at 01:55:43

I (the author) forgot to note that all haikus are welcome. If you want to dust off your 5-7-5 skills, just add them as a comment here, and I will add them to the next version. Sign them, and your fame will be assured (just give me the name you want as a sig line)....

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28.86kb (1027 downloads)

4.60 / 10 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 07/09/07