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Submitted By Dumbledore132


If you're like me, then your desktop background changes almost daily. I noticed, while browsing the Xtras, that contact lists served drastically different purposes; some designs were bright and almost always opaque, whereas the darker, professional-looking styles were more on the transparent side. I was looking for a nice, slick contact list style that could serve formidable for all kinds of backgrounds, but instead I found styles that were designed for each -- and when changing backgrounds I often had to tweak the style or even change it completely.

"Exodus" is a solution to that problem. I tried to include the best of all Adium Xtras in one, blended style. After what seemed like endless tweaking, I think I have it. A contact list that will perform cleanly on a multitude of background tastes. Enjoy!

Notice: Exodus can be used in any configuration, but I reccomend setting List Opacity to 85% and using the Borderless Window preset.


Version 1.0
  • Initial release.



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# by siggi2509 on 05/09/08 at 19:15:40

Thank.. .That is exactly what I was looking for. works with everything! Good Job

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Last Updated: 07/30/07