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love apple

love apple

Submitted By Alessandro Cocco (alecocco)


A simple funny gif ;)


1.0 - first release



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# by kangorillas on 08/06/07 at 18:25:43


# by Mistron on 08/07/07 at 00:02:08

Nice :), I remember this from somwhere but it was with safari and IE...

# by iPuce on 08/17/07 at 13:28:16

How can I use this image on my website??!!! Very funny!!

# by alecocco on 08/18/07 at 18:54:02

To insert image in a web page:
Do you know html tags?

# by alecocco on 08/18/07 at 18:57:20

ehm... angolar brackets aren't visible...

Write img src="url gif" between angolar brackets ^^'

# by iPuce on 08/19/07 at 18:57:06

Yes I know html tags, but I wanted to save the gif image on my hard disk (because if the url change here, i will not loose the image). But when I use the gif image of my hard disk, there is not ans animation :(...

# by alecocco on 08/19/07 at 19:20:21

ah ok ^^

In you can view every single frame of animation.
In alternative you can open the gif with Safari :)

p.s. sorry my bad english _-_

# by guysullavin on 01/28/08 at 01:21:51

Or... If You had photoshop/Fireworks you could open it and witness/edit it...

# by guysullavin on 01/28/08 at 01:22:05


# by guysullavin on 01/28/08 at 01:21:53

Or... If You had photoshop/Fireworks you could open it and witness/edit it...

# by czeeric on 12/05/07 at 12:50:47

I love this, exactly what I did to M$ 2 months ago :P
I cannot tolerate M$ anymore - expensive rubbish thou.
Better if there's a higher resolution :D

# by solly3 on 03/15/08 at 07:54:33

How do you make your own smiley set?

# by Legoguru4u on 04/14/08 at 15:54:10

Make a linux icn to go with the windows...>!< ;-]

# by Bigstomper on 04/27/08 at 07:27:47


# by Iluvh123 on 10/15/08 at 23:05:02

Absolutely love it!

# by juancarlos on 03/22/09 at 06:13:24

jajajaja es la onda

# by MegaByte on 04/07/10 at 03:50:24

When I used this in a chat with Yahoo Messenger, all they saw was :loveapple:
How can they see the animation?

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15.51kb (23477 downloads)

3.90 / 244 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 08/04/07