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iChat-ish Menu Bar

iChat-ish Menu Bar

Submitted By Sarah (maerlynne)


iChat style menu bar set cobbled together from previous Menu Bar hacks for v1.0.x.



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# by Plizzo on 08/11/07 at 07:35:50

Great job man! I made some iChat styled Menu icons too, but yours better, i made the original icon with color that changes to your status.
Check them out!

# by ispytonyv on 08/11/07 at 13:38:39

Excellent! I'm using the Liger Shapeshifter theme so this fits right in (and should be just as at home when Leopard ships). I was waiting for somebody to pull this xtra together.

# by Camster on 08/14/07 at 16:40:58

Nice work! I was using the iChat menu bar icon, but I was disappointed with the lack of away or idle icons. The only thing I see that could be fixed is that the icon seems to be a bit blurry around some of the edges, but other than that, great work!

# by jmschlich on 09/21/07 at 01:57:50

Very nice! As much as I love the duck, I turned off menu bar icons because he's not as attractive as greyscale :( but these icons are great!

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2.60 / 100 votes
Current Version: 0.1
Last Updated: 08/07/07