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Doodleish small

Doodleish small

Submitted By Lucius (slynoxfox)


I was dreading the fact that I was going to have to create another .plist to do some emoticons when a miracle happend. There on the front page of was dotAdiumEmoticonSet Creator by alecocco! It worked wonderfully allowing me to finish my set in a night. The only that I thought could be changed was allowing you Tab down to the next text box but that was all. There was one thing though, the first time I saved my set it wouldn't creat a .zip. When I looked into the package contents it looked like it had saved its self within its self to infinity. So I congratulate alecocco for simultaneously making construction of emoticons easyer and demonstrating what infinity would look like.

25px hand drawn emotes designed for showing expression rather than just smiles and frowns. There is a few things that I need to correct: changing the angle to angel and clearing some debris around Grin's head. I plan to make larger sizes but I don't know what the maximum size is. Tell me what you think!


1.1 Fixed debris around grin and corrected a sp mistake = very minor changes.

1.0 first release


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# by slynoxfox on 09/29/07 at 04:23:13

Can anyone tell me why they look so pixilated when used?

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143.08kb (1983 downloads)

3.80 / 15 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 09/04/07
Big thanks to dotAdiumEmoticonSet Creator!