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Dinosaur Comics message style

Dinosaur Comics message style

Submitted By Devin Chalmers (qwzybug)


(Unofficial) Dinosaur Comics message style for Adium. PERHAPS!

Website at Feedback welcome!

Coming soon: fantasy-sequence message context, more dinosaurs, the whole bally lot.


New in 0.93:
- More characters! Choose from Utahraptor, Dromiceiomimus, T-Rex, the Devil, and Batman!

NOTE: Requires the Safari 3 beta to display properly. If any message style devs want to help me make it work with Safari 2, I'd be much obliged!



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# by BlackandWhitePenguin on 09/20/07 at 03:40:16

Cool idea, could be executed better though.

# by Marianne30 on 08/10/09 at 08:08:30


# by dcentity2000 on 09/20/07 at 15:52:20

Interesting to say the least!

# by kineticturtle on 09/20/07 at 15:53:38

I love this so much that I've been using it religiously, despite the waste of space. Thank you! I can't wait for the new features...

# by reidscones on 09/21/07 at 05:56:26

very cool! it's pretty buggy though. also the characters could use some scaling down

# by bassman92 on 09/22/07 at 03:13:56

man, this seems like a great idea, but it could have been taken soooo much further, like the big ol' dinos are great but there is so much more that you can do with this, GO AHEAD AND DO IT!

but overall it seems nice

# by nanovivid on 09/23/07 at 01:07:11



# by kineticturtle on 10/11/07 at 19:27:34

Hey, just discovered that this doesn't wrap text properly when there aren't any spaces! Halp! It just... hangs off the screen into oblivion!

My poor words!

# by Derkraftvonkase on 11/02/07 at 17:26:10

type with spaces then?

# by kineticturtle on 11/03/07 at 05:47:28

The problem still exists with long lines typed with spaces. That's why I posted this. =p

# by Derkraftvonkase on 11/03/07 at 15:20:41

Oh no.. then thats a problem. Mine goes down to the next line.. Maybe it just doesn't like you... Hehe.. Well good luck with that.

# by ether on 10/12/07 at 00:35:59

Great concept, love it!! :)

# by bob_the_gorilla on 10/12/07 at 22:59:24

Godlike genius

# by despeinadoforever on 11/01/07 at 23:28:41

me encantoooooo super bueno soy fan de los dinosaur comic and my bf looks like one XD
i love it!

# by Derkraftvonkase on 11/02/07 at 17:23:24

Lmao... This just makes me laugh so much. I love it

# by miyakko on 11/12/07 at 15:49:50

Great idea!!! I would looooove it in a comic strip style!

# by h_man_ham on 01/30/08 at 16:14:11

THis is WIN

# by bjarki on 04/06/08 at 20:56:42

Please do another one :D

# by telefang on 06/29/08 at 11:52:37

Fuck you and your house!
Oh shit you're hardcore.

# by basiolum on 09/09/08 at 03:08:47

Totally inefficient but I love it. I agree, perhaps box the messages and scale down the images? It's sort of hard to read. Agreed, maybe also one in the comic form? Great concept though, I love this. :D

# by JoshSmith on 09/15/08 at 07:30:31

My thanks goes out to the developer for this one. However, I have trouble using this until something can be done about the large size of the various dinosaurs. I applaud trying to stay true to the design on Qwantz, but it would be nice to have something that doesn't require me to use up twice as much screen real estate as I normally use. Thanks, again!

# by Kenya on 03/04/09 at 15:49:42

I totally love this style!! I am so excited about all the characters, and I really don't find the scaling or anything distracting. This is just priceless.

I am experiencing a problem, though: Whenever I type or get a message, my little dinosaurs move up with the words. It is easily fixed by resizing the window; they shoot right back down where they are supposed to be. But why do they do that? Could it be because my computer is a little older?
In any case, it's not a big deal. This is still awesome, and I recommend it to all my friends, even the ones who don't have Adium.

# by GeckoMan on 06/26/09 at 11:36:21

love the concept but i've allready started changing the dinosaurs to my own images, nice look :)

# by adrianmoral on 04/06/10 at 17:42:55

how can you do that? i also wat to change the dinosaurs to my own images ^^

# by XtineBurger on 10/21/09 at 08:38:26

OMFG This is the greatest message style EVER i have forced all my friends and family to download it it if they have adium and forced them to look at it if they dont, it instantly makes me giggle no matter how shitty my day is i fucking love it thank you so much!

General Rofl Mao says " Thats funny Shit"

# by SheHasASecret on 07/09/10 at 10:28:42

OMG this is sooo funny! XD

# by rekha on 07/13/10 at 02:34:05

Please add timestamps!! I used this for a long time because it is adorable, but I can't deal with not having time stamps!

# by varikin on 08/24/10 at 00:03:09

You can modify the theme to include the timestamps. It is just a matter of file main.css and updating the .contenttime and .time rules. For example, I have:

.contexttime, .time { display: inline; font-size: 80%; line-height: 18px; color: silver; }


~/Library/Application Support/Adium 2.0/Message Styles/Dinosaur Comics.AdiumMessageStyle/Contents/Resources/main.css

# by rekha on 08/31/10 at 23:19:56

Thanks! Now I can keep my cute dinosaurs with time stamps!!! :-D

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4.10 / 138 votes
Current Version: 0.93
Last Updated: 09/20/07
coding by devin chalmers
everything awesome by ryan north,