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Baseball Scores

Baseball Scores

Submitted By Evan Coleman (fiftyfour123)


Finally! Updating baseball scores for Adium!!!

It gets scores from's XML feeds

To use it type %_mlb{team,link?}

you have to use the teams abbreiviation to get a list type %_mlb{help,no}

Please Post Any Bugs You Find Here! Thanks!

I am also open to any requests you have.

If you are going to use my code, please give me credit.



  • Updated for 2011 baseball season


  • Completely rewritten
  • Now the script gets all the info from's XML feeds and all the parsing is done on my server, so it's much faster than the old script
  • Fixed getting the gameday link


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# by traypup on 10/03/07 at 18:00:26

I hate to sound dopey, but where exactly am I typing these commands? Thanks!

# by traypup on 10/03/07 at 18:02:17

oh, I am humiliated. I type it into a new message window, don't I? hahaha...thanks!

cool xtra! thank you!

# by fiftyfour123 on 10/03/07 at 18:37:24

yeah you do. Don't be humiliated. You can also put it in a status message, or in your profile.

# by CrazyInLoveAdium on 10/18/07 at 13:20:47

I can't get this to work. %_mlb{help,no} works but when I type %_mlb{OAK,yes} it doesn't work. Nothing appears in my window and all I get is a sound, nothing is sent back to me from the aim server and the "You/they are typing" icon appears to think I'm still typing. What am I doing wrong?

# by fiftyfour123 on 10/18/07 at 22:05:18

the oakland a's aren't in the post season. When the team has no scheduled games for that day, then the script returns nothing.

# by jcm57 on 05/30/08 at 17:52:53

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong, when I use the code %_mlb{BOS,no} this is what I get:°BOS @ BAL° °°7:05 PM°° It looks like the code is missing an endtag or something. So I wonder if it is my machine or some other issue. Any help would be appreciated; thanks.

# by athleticsfan on 06/11/08 at 18:58:37

I'm not getting a gameday link, even for games that are still going on. I only get the current score.

# by fiftyfour123 on 06/11/08 at 19:26:01

yeah, i'm aware of this. I'v been really busy lately so i haven't had time to get to it, but it will be done.

# by gnar on 12/30/11 at 03:39:33

Can you make a script for NHL scores?

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4.40 / 59 votes
Current Version: 3.1
Last Updated: 03/03/11
Credits: for their XML feeds