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Looney Tunes

Looney Tunes

Submitted By Jeremy (adiumlover)


Here are some Looney Tunes sounds I put together- partly because I thought they were funny, and partly because I wanted to experiment with making a sound set! This is my first set, and it's not huge, but I thought I'd put it on here in case anyone else wanted to try it.

Contact Log-On: Bugs Bunny says, "Eh... What's up, doc?"
Contact Log-Out: Daffy says, "Well, I guess he's had enough!"
Conversation Started: Bugs says, "Did someone knock?"
Background Message: Daffy- "Click"
You connect: Daffy says, "Huh! Didn't think I could do it, did ya?"
New Email: Bugs says, "What's this? A letter? For me?"
Error message: Daffy says, "Well, what a revolting development this is!"
File transfer complete: "Daffy says, "Hey- wait a second, I think I've got it!"

So, eight sounds. Not much, but if you like it, I could add more. Or, you could edit the set and do it yourself!


EDIT: I've re-uploaded the file with some fixes- the first version wasn't working so well. The only bug I know of now is that you have to set the mail notification yourself- I can't figure out how to edit the plist to do this automatically. If anybody knows, please tell me! Also please report bugs.

1.2: Renamed files, added File Transfer Request sound. (Special delivery from Mars!)


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# by adiumlover on 10/11/07 at 01:11:18

I made a dock icon to go along with it!
And please leave comments!

# by Li9 on 12/12/07 at 16:08:03

hi there!

Your sounds don't work... that's a shame, I love Daffy!

# by adiumlover on 12/17/07 at 17:03:11

Hm, that's strange, I haven't noticed any problems. However, I just updated it- I updated the file names, added a sound, and went over the plist. So please try it again, and let me know if it works. Thanks!

# by Li9 on 12/17/07 at 17:51:10


Still nothing coming.... :(

# by adiumlover on 12/17/07 at 17:59:05

OK, it works for me, so here's my idea: you may have an adium sound setting off somehow. Look at this screenshot of my sound settings and match yours to mine, particularly the "sound set" selection and the volume setting.
To test it, just click on one of the sounds (i.e. "Daffy- had enough")
I see they haven't updated the file just yet, but it should work anyways.

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Last Updated: 09/30/07