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Submitted By biglittledragoon


It's a version of an existing Xtra.
The only thing I made, is to loop emoticons, as requested.

AND, to add hidden emoticons!!!

Side note: it lacks a few minor variations. I'll probably add them soon.


v 1.0: Initial release (sept. 24 2007).

v 1.1: pack completly reviewed (plist, emoticon names, …). All users should update. To avoid problem, you should clean Adium's cache (oct. 26 2007)

v 2.0: New hidden emoticons added! Probably the most complet set available with 27 emoticons. Thanks to John Allen for his help. (jul. 17 2008)



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# by ddamato on 10/07/07 at 15:55:42

Cool -- thanks! *grin*

# by jenny90206 on 10/25/07 at 19:25:15

The heart doesn't work when I installed this Xtra on my Adium. Is it just me or what?

# by biglittledragoon on 10/26/07 at 14:51:08

It was a problem with case sensitive. This time I reviewed all the files. It should work. See version 1.1.

# by jenny90206 on 10/26/07 at 23:22:43

It works! And the other one I was having trouble with works, too! Thank you.

# by biglittledragoon on 10/27/07 at 06:52:54

The problem comes from the fact I was lazy and I didn't corrected errors of the orginal pack before. And ad Adium changed name handling, it causes this problem. That why you have problem with the other one too.

# by tartofour on 02/25/08 at 17:39:47

Would it be possible to add the new Squareemoticons from gtalk? I like them so much. I just see them on Windows, though, so I made a screen capture. Would you like it?

# by biglittledragoon on 02/25/08 at 18:14:28

I see that there are some other emoticon there:
Do you have emoticons not listed on this page?

# by tartofour on 02/25/08 at 18:24:36

Well I do. The page tells me that i should use FF 2 though, so many they are hidden from me. The one I think about are square formed actually. btw I noticed you are french, so you may speak french

# by biglittledragoon on 02/26/08 at 08:40:53

J'ai fais quelques recherches et essais, j'en ai trouvé quelques autres. Si tu veux bien m'envoyer les images et raccourcis que tu as trouvé, je les intégrerai dans une prochaine version.

# by vaa206 on 06/17/08 at 00:33:56

The "hidden" emoticons can be found here: I just found them today and have been having a ball. Any possibility that they can be added?

# by biglittledragoon on 06/17/08 at 05:18:51

Great! I missed two or three of them. I'm really busy right now, so I can't give you a date, but it's planed. Thanks for you help.

# by jallen7usa on 07/17/08 at 11:03:39

I took the liberty of editing your pack and adding the hidden emotes. You can grab it here if you're interested.

# by biglittledragoon on 07/17/08 at 11:35:40

GREAT! You've converted everything in gif? There aren't looped, if you don't plan to do it, I will do it (it's fast) and I will credit you for new emoticons.

# by jallen7usa on 07/17/08 at 11:39:50

I'm not sure about the looping. They are animated but I guess not looped.

# by biglittledragoon on 07/17/08 at 12:00:16

They aren't looped and you forgot 2-3 emoticons (like equal-grin), but I will do it.

# by jallen7usa on 07/17/08 at 12:03:02

Yeah, I just noticed the link posted above. I was working off of a different list ( that apparently wasn't complete. Sorry. =/

# by vaa206 on 10/06/08 at 22:28:06

you guys are awesome! thanks!

# by pupilla on 04/13/13 at 15:32:48

please remap it to the same keystrokes used in Gtalk, }:) for example instead of }:-)

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54.26kb (2585 downloads)

4.00 / 32 votes
Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 07/17/08
asd (for the initial Xtra)
John Allen for converting several hidden emoticons