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Link to the Past Soundset

Link to the Past Soundset

Submitted By infinitysend


I was sorely disappointed by the other Zelda SoundSets on this site, so I decided to create my own, based off of A Link to the Past.

You will notice that every sound fits perfectly, from the log on/off sounds, to the receive file sounds.

I am a HUGE Zelda fan so I know what I want and I know how to give this great soundset justice. THIS is the soundset that you've been looking for! Enjoy. :D


UPDATE #1: The file should now work as a double-clickable soundset (as it should have originally).
Sorry to have inconvenienced any of you who already downloaded it.

UPDATE #2: Updated the last 4 sounds to the correct keys.


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# by darmot7 on 11/04/07 at 17:21:59

awesome, lovin it on gaim ;)

# by csquared on 11/05/07 at 13:50:10

The sounds are great, but didn't install correctly. Make sure that you have the files placed in an Adium soundset package before you zip it, and include the requisite XML .plist. The easiest way to do this is to just take another soundset from Home > Library Application Support > Adium 2.0 > Sounds, duplicate any soundset, right-click on your duplicate, and select "Show Package Contents". Then edit to your heart's content, rename the soundset, and zip.

Also, you might want to consider using AAC instead of WAV.

# by infinitysend on 11/06/07 at 16:10:42

I'm currently working on this right now! Thanks for your guidance.

# by csquared on 11/09/07 at 14:48:36

Thanks for the fix. The sounds are appropriate and assigned well to the events. Excellent!

# by CyberSkull on 11/06/07 at 10:21:53

This set needs the following things done to it: The set folder needs to be renamed to something like "LTTP.AdiumSoundset" and needs a sounds.plist file. You can find one to work with by browsing the files inside of Adium itself, just change the values to your file names.

# by infinitysend on 11/06/07 at 16:10:32

I'm currently working on this right now! Thanks for your guidance.

# by sly_cat on 11/10/07 at 08:58:11

haha, wicked sound set. simple and appropriete sound clips from one of my still favorite games.

*hopes for the rest of the sound clips for the other options*

# by csquared on 11/12/07 at 23:30:06

infinitysend, the key for new email is New Mail Received.

As a temporary workaround for the other events—I don't know what they are either—enter "null" for the key. That way, users will still be able to manually assign the sounds to whatever events they want. For an example, check out the Sounds.plist file in the Borealis soundset I ported. Good luck!

# by mathuaerknedam on 11/20/07 at 18:11:21

I just updated the wiki with a complete list of soundset keys:

# by mathuaerknedam on 11/20/07 at 18:09:30

I just updated the wiki with a complete list of soundset keys:

# by infinitysend on 11/20/07 at 19:43:31

Hey man, thanks for the heads up! I really appreciate it.

# by mathuaerknedam on 11/20/07 at 19:49:33

I just updated the wiki again. I discovered that I'd included unnecessary keys and mislebeled "Message Received (Background Chat)" as "Message Received (Strangers)". The categories now also correspond to the icons in the prefpane. So If you already grabbed the details from the page, go get them again! :)

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Current Version: 2.0
Last Updated: 11/21/07
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