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Tokyo Train Wreck

Tokyo Train Wreck

Submitted By Christian Cosas (csquared)


(Alternately titled "Variations on a Tokyo Train.")

In the beginning, when the Iser created Adium, the sound was a formless void, and quacks echoed through the deep. Then MrRoboto said, "Let there be Tokyo Train Station." And actually, C Major and Electric Dream came first, but people totally freaked out over the Train Station. And they saw how good it was.

This soundset collection is a rearrangement of MrRoboto's melodies, but with a twist in chord substitutions. (Yay, dominant sevenths and diminished sixths.) It includes:
  • Tokyo Train Remix, which, through the miracles of reverse engineering (i.e., lots of fiddling with the synths in GarageBand), reproduces the original synthesized tones.
  • Tokyo Train Chamber features celesta, clarinet, cello, and French horn.
  • Tokyo Train Guitar is an acoustic guitar arrangement.

The alerts are encoded with AAC at 128 kbps, which allows me to bundle all of the soundset variations into a single collection. The sounds activate on the following events, reflecting the original settings for TTS: Contact Sign On, Contact Sign Off, New Message Received, Message Sent, and Message Received.

Licensed under the GNU General Public License.


v1.0 - 23 October 2007 Initial release.


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# by The_Tick on 10/25/07 at 16:28:54

I still use the duck sounds. Metallic duck sounds rule all :P

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607.91kb (2436 downloads)

4.10 / 14 votes
Current Version: 1.0
Last Updated: 10/23/07
Based on Tokyo Train Station, by Dominik Dimaano

MIDI sounds generated with GarageBand and Jam Packs 1-5

Edited with Sound Studio